Anyway To Euthanize African Dwarf Frog?


Apr 6, 2009
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one of 2 frogs in my 20 gallon community tank has never eaten much, but lately he's been looking especially thin. yesterday he looked dangerously starved. i moved him out of the tank and into a 2.5 gallon spare tank by himself. i poured a ton of thawed bloodworms on him in hopes that he would eat but i dont think he took a single bite. a couple hours later i removed the bloodworms. i just checked on him a minute ago and it was pretty disturbing. he's upside-down on the gravel, pale white, and extremely thin. i figured he was dead. i put the net into to remove him but i saw his leg move when i touched him.

is there anyway i can end his misery?
I have heard that you put him in a cup of water and stick him in the freezer - - he will slip into unconsciousness before he freezes to death

- so I have been told, never have done this myself
Freezing has a similar effect on other animals as it does on us - it's nasty and cold.

You may find clove oil suitable but I don't know whether it would work on amphibians.

A reliable but gruesome method is to destroy the brain with a very sharp blow to the head. Very easy to mess up, though.
Freezing has a similar effect on other animals as it does on us - it's nasty and cold.

You may find clove oil suitable but I don't know whether it would work on amphibians.

A reliable but gruesome method is to destroy the brain with a very sharp blow to the head. Very easy to mess up, though.

yeah, i euthanized a betta once with a blow to the head. i dont know if i regret it, but it didn't sit well with me. i get the feeling clove oil would not work as the frog breathes air. i dont have any regardless. this sucks though, you should see him, he looks so terrible. i thought he wouldve drowned by now but hes just lying there upside down, incredibly thin, moving his legs every now and then. :sad:
wow, its been nearly 4 hours now and this frog is still in the same position....... and still alive. he's been upside down this entire time and im pretty sure he hasn't come up for air. how long can they hold their breathe?! #93###. this is hard to watch. any euthanizing ideas will really be appreciated.

j e s u s is a censored word on these forums?

Mod's Edit: Yes it is. The way you used the word is considered to be profanity and is against the forum rules.
i would think that slowly freezing him would be okay, because its cold blooded and its functions will slow down and like someone said, slip into unconciousness before dying, plus its way better than just dropping it on an ice cube or already cold water or something.
I know it's not nice but stamping on it will have the result of an instatanios pain free death. If you care about this frog then do something about it.

EDIT ; spelling
put a cup of water in the freezer wait till its almost frozen over then put him in, thats how id proberly do it if i had too.
dont know whether freezing it will do as they can freeze when they hibernate
and i mean freeze solid and in the spring they thaw out and there OK
so it might not work or is it just frogs from colder climes that can do that :crazy:
I think that decapitating it would work fair and square. It would be very messy though so prob not the best if you can't stand blood.
I'm sorry he's not doing to well by the way. I think i'm the first person who's said that unless i missed it.

Alessa x.

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