Anyway Of Reducing The Power


Feb 24, 2006
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i got sent the 2215 instead of the 2215 and after spending an hour putting it together hoping its sealed properly i now need to reduce its power
i gave it a quick blast and its way tooo strong >.< but it will make a convient syphon as ive now got to remove the jewel internal

EDIT: also how the hell do you get the left over putty off the back of your tank when you remove the internal filter? the fish are still in the bottom, sofar im srubing >.<
you can make the holes in the spraybar larger, or drill an additional set of holes on the opposite side (start at the far end first if you do that)

the eheim classics dont have a way to adjust flow

up side is when the filter is cycled it will probably slow down a bit for you.
If you have too you could try something like this.


you can make the holes in the spraybar larger, or drill an additional set of holes on the opposite side (start at the far end first if you do that)

the eheim classics dont have a way to adjust flow

up side is when the filter is cycled it will probably slow down a bit for you.

I agree with this recommendation. I wanted to keep the turnover of my eheim (which is adjustable), but reduce the whirlpool effect. I added an addtional row of holes on the spray bar. I didn't do mine on the opposite side though, just a bit further round. But either way, with more holes, the pressure on exit is far less.

Good Luck
You can also reduce the output from the filter via the outlet leaver on the unit. The bar in your tank may have a cap at one end...remove this and all will be sorted!
found an even better way just partially close one of the taps *d'oh* :rolleyes: that is if you got the tap version which i did ^^, but even soo the spray bar was just too strong so ive got mine running staight in the tank without but all is good thanks people !! :good:

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