Anything To Know?


Fish Crazy
Oct 26, 2010
Reaction score
Cambridgeshire, UK
Is there anything I need to know about raising silvertip tetra fry? The silvertips spawned within minutes of going into the breeding tank and after a good nights sleep and a long day at school I got home to find some tiny fry swimming round. I rushed down to my local fish store to buy some Liquifry No1 and the fry (I hope) are happily feeding on it as they have survived another day - that's 2 days old, my first ever real try at breeding and already a partial success, let's hope it carries on. Anyway the fry seem to be loving the plants and are begining to swim a bit more like fish rather that kicking up and the falling down like they have a parachute (I guess this is normal as they haven't fully developed their swimbladder yet?). Is there anything I need to know in particular? Currently the filter is off as they would be sucked in and mashed - when should I turn it on? (they do have an airstone in there).

Any info would be great,
Thank you in advance,

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