Anything I can add to my planted 52 gallon community tank?


New Member
Jul 19, 2019
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Just wondering if there is anything I can improve on in my aquarium. Originally, all my schools had atleast 6, so if any schools are too small they’ve lost fish and will new likely will be added. My planted tank is a community and is 220L or 52 Gallons! No aggression issues apart from the barbs occasionally sparring between themselves. Btw, I know the risk of angelfish and neon Tetra and I have a plan for that.

1 Angelfish

4 Cherry Barbs

10 Neon Tetra

3 Guppies

3 Mollies

5 Albino Corydoras

4 Otocinculus

1 Siamese Algae Eater

1 Bamboo Shrimp
What the plan for the angels and neons ?
I personally dislike angels lol just a personal beef , also what’s your GH and you have a mixture of hard and soft fish , I’d get a Gh reading and stock from there
What the plan for the angels and neons ?
I personally dislike angels lol just a personal beef , also what’s your GH and you have a mixture of hard and soft fish , I’d get a Gh reading and stock from there
My hardness is around 40ppm. Lots of people say that keeping them together since the angelfish is a baby, stops them from aggression later. I mixed them when the angel was absolutely tiny, and the angelfish is quite peaceful, never even bothering with the shrimp so I’m confident it won’t eat the neons (if they fight I’ll move them).
At 40 ppm, the mollies will suffer, and also the guppies but not as badly as the mollies. Guppies need over 200 ppm and mollies over 250 ppm hardness.
If this was my tank, I would rehome those two species and free up some space for more soft water fish.
My hardness is around 40ppm. Lots of people say that keeping them together since the angelfish is a baby, stops them from aggression later. I mixed them when the angel was absolutely tiny, and the angelfish is quite peaceful, never even bothering with the shrimp so I’m confident it won’t eat the neons (if they fight I’ll move them).
40ppm is really soft off my knowledge and mollys need far harder water for there own health I’d look at moving them on , I’m sure it can be achieved in just so aginst angels lol there large and boring for most cichlids
You know, I raised them together too, and my angels never bothered my neons, either. If only I could have kept them from killing each other.

Essjay's right about the livebearers. They'll probably survive, but they won't be all that comfortable. If 'twere my tank, I'd find new homes for them and get a whole bunch more cherry barbs, ottos, and cories!

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