Anyone With A Acf?

I kept one in a 30g, with plastic plants, logs and a gravel substrate, though now i'd keep one, with lot's of logs, live plants and a sand substrate.
I don't have one. I was thinking of getting a 10-gal with a few plants, a couple lengths of pvc pipe, fine gravel or sand substrate. Just didn't know how many plants they like, if it matters what kind of plants (both the type - plastic or silk- and the size leaf), that kind of thing. And what the best food if for them, too.
Plant's don't matter, though floating plants would be good along with other live ones IMO.

Food - mine ate mainly bloodworms and shrimp.
Hmmm 1 in 10g is minimum I suppose, though depends on the dimensions.

I'd probably say 15g minimum.
Is ACF the same as African Dwarf Frog? If so use a sand substrate and some rocks & logs. 10 gallon would be just fine and don't plant too heavily because the one I had would get confused when he went up for air because of the heavy plant cover and then return to the bottom without breathing. I suppose that this was rather stressful for him.

They are most definitely not the same... the ACF grows to about 5", and will eat the ADF and anything else smaller than themselves. The ACFs are the ones that can be albino or brown, the ADfs only come as the standard brown/green/frog color. LOL
That's so sad about him not breathing... I'm assuming he died from it?
They are most definitely not the same... the ACF grows to about 5", and will eat the ADF and anything else smaller than themselves. The ACFs are the ones that can be albino or brown, the ADfs only come as the standard brown/green/frog color. LOL
That's so sad about him not breathing... I'm assuming he died from it?

Nope he didn't die from that he died along with all the fish in his tank when the filter malfunctioned and melted plastic from around the magnet case started pouring down into the water poisoning him and his mates. I found them all dead when I returned from work that evening.

Anyway sorry about the useless post, I just wanted to make sure that you weren't going to waste a large tank on an ADF (not that there's anything wrong with them) When they could have so many tankmates.


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