Anyone Want To Finish My Tropical Fish A-z List


Fish Addict
Jun 15, 2007
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Maryland U.S.A
I don't have the time or the energy to finish this right now. DOes anyone want to finish it? Or does anyone want to take snippets of it and do it over the next few weeks, and that way it will help me finish it completely?

Heres what I've got, so take the ones at the end with no info and do those, and correct me on ones that may be wrong. But please don't correct me if it's a purely opinion based contradiction without proof, so I don't change it and have someone tell me I was right so change it back etc. Thanks guys!


Quick Alphabetical Reference That answers all these questions!!!!

- What PH do my fish like?
- What food do I need to make them grow big and healthy?
- If I feed them right, how long can they live?
- Are they EASY, INTERMEDIATE, OR ADVANCED in difficulty?
- Are they Hardy, Fairly Hardy, or Not Hardy?
- How big can they get?
- And how aggressive?????

#Color Coded Difficulties. Green for EASY fish to keep, Blue for INTERMIDIATE fish, Red for ADVANCED fish
This means that the advanced fish are harder to keep as they need specific foods, water quality, care, and environments, and can also mean that they need very specific tankmates.

#The Ph stated is a guide and not a rule. It is what that fish prefers best, and next to the Ph, it says "adaptable" etc. This is a hint to whether or not the fish can survive easily outside of this range!

Agassiz's Dwarf Cichlid- Ph 5.0-7.0 (Fairly Adaptable). Males can grow to 3.5 in or 9cm, females slightly smaller. Peaceful but territorial, living in a harem hierarchy, 3 females to one male. Flake food, live brine shrimp, blood worms, and frozen white worms. Can live for around 5 years. INTERMEDIATE difficulty. (Not Hardy/Delicate)
Angelfish (scalare)- Ph 6.2-7.6 (Adaptable). Can grow to around 6 in or 15 cm tall and 6 in or 15 cm wide. Are semi-aggressive towards small fish and each other. Flake food with occasional blood worms, beef heart, brine shrimp, mysis shrimp. Can live for over 10 years. INTERMIDIATE difficulty (Somewhat Hardy)
Angelicus Botia- Ph 6.8-7.8. (Fairly Adaptable)Can grow up to 6 in or 15 cm. Peaceful but can chase larger slow moving fish and will kill and eat many invertebrates. Will eat flake, frozen food, brine shrimp, young snails etc. Can live in nearly 15 years. INTERMEDIATE difficulty. (Fairly Hardy, but scaleless and prone to infections)

Arowana- Ph 6.0-7.2 (Slightly Adaptable). Some species can grow to nearly 4 feet. Eats some frozen and many live foods. Can live for up to 50+ years. ADVANCED difficulty (jumpers). (Hardy)
Bala Shark- Ph 6.0 to 7.6 (Adaptable). Will grow to around 10 in or 25 cm. Semi-aggressive. Eats flake and frozen foods in addition to live brine shrimp. Can live for nearly 10 years. EASY difficulty. (Hardy)
Banded Archer Fish- Ph 7.4-8.2 (Slightly Adaptable). Can grow to around 4 in or 10 cm. Semi-aggressive, but brackish water fish, needs other brackish tank mates. Frozen and Live foods preferred. Can live up to 5 years. INTERMEDIATE difficulty. (Fairly Hardy)
Black Neon- Ph 5.5-7.5 (Slightly Adaptable) Can grow to 2 in or 6 cm. Peaceful shoaling fish. Eats flake, brine shrimp, daphnia, Cyclops, white worms. Can live for nearly 5 years. EASY difficulty. (Fairly Hardy)
Black Phantom Tetra- Ph 5.5-7.5 (Slightly Adaptable) Can grow to 2 in or 6 cm. Peaceful shoaling fish. Eats flake, brine shrimp, daphnia, Cyclops, white worms. Can live for nearly 5 years. EASY difficulty. (Fairly Hardy)
Black Tetra- Ph 5.5-7.5 (Slightly Adaptable) Can grow to 2 in or 6 cm. Peaceful shoaling fish. Eats flake, brine shrimp, daphnia, Cyclops, white worms. Can live for nearly 5 years. EASY difficulty. (Fairly Hardy)
Black Shark- Ph 7.0-8.0 (Adaptable) Can grow to be nearly 24 in or 60 cm. Semi-Aggressive. Will eat flake food, live brine and frozen foods. Can also eat small fish when large enough. Can live for upwards of 7 years. INTERMEDIATE difficulty. (Hardy)
Bleeding Heart Tetra- Ph 5.5-7.5 (Slightly Adaptable) Can grow to 2 in or 6 cm. Peaceful shoaling fish. Eats flake, brine shrimp, daphnia, Cyclops, white worms. Can live for nearly 5 years. EASY difficulty. (Fairly Hardy)
Bloodfin Tetra- Ph 5.5-7.5 (Slightly Adaptable) Can grow to 2 in or 6 cm. Peaceful shoaling fish. Eats flake, brine shrimp, daphnia, Cyclops, white worms. Can live for nearly 10 years. EASY difficulty. (Fairly Hardy)
Blue/Sunset Gourami- Ph 6.4-7.6 (Adaptable) Can grow up to 6 in or 15 cm. Semi-Aggressive. Will eat flake, beef heart, bloodworms, brine shrimp. Can live for 4 years or more. EASY difficulty. (Hardy)
Rainbow Fish Ph 7.2- 8.0. (Adaptable) Many species grow to nearly 6 in or 15 cm in length and 2.5 in or 5 cm tall, like Red Rainbows and Parkinson's Rainbows, but many will grow no more than 2 in or 5 cm as well, like many Boesmani Rainbows. Peaceful fish. Will eat flake food, frozen, and brine shrimp. Can live for up to 5 years. INTERMEDIATE difficulty. (Hardy)
Bumble Bee Catfish (Fairly Adaptable) Ph 6.0- 7.4. Can grow to 6 in or 15 cm long. Semi-Aggressive and can eat fish up to half it's size. Can live up to 8 years. INTERMEDIATE difficulty. (Fairly Hardy)
Cardinal Tetra- Ph 5.5-7.5 (Slightly Adaptable) Can grow to 2 in or 6 cm. Peaceful shoaling fish. Eats flake, brine shrimp, daphnia, Cyclops, white worms. Can live for nearly 5 years. EASY difficulty. (Fairly Hardy)
Cherry Barb- Ph 6.4-7.4. (Adaptable) Can grow to 1.5 in or 4 cm. Peaceful, will nip on occasion. Eats flake, frozen daphnia and Cyclops. Can live up to 7 years. EASY difficulty. (Hardy)
Chocolate Gourami- Ph 5.0-6.8. (Non-Adaptable) Can grow up to 2.5 in or 7 cm. Peaceful, likes other chocolates as company. Eats flakes, Brine shrimp, daphnia, and white worms. Can live up to around 4 years if well kept. ADVANCED difficulty. (Not Hardy/Delicate)
Clown Loach- Ph 6.8-7.8. (Fairly Adaptable)Can grow up to 14 in or 35 cm. Peaceful but can chase larger slow moving fish and will kill and eat many invertebrates. Will eat flake, frozen food, brine shrimp, young snails etc. Can live in excess of 15 years. INTERMEDIATE difficulty. (Fairly Hardy, but scaleless and prone to infections)
Columbian Tetra- Ph 5.5-7.5 (Slightly Adaptable) Can grow to 2 in or 6 cm. Peaceful shoaling fish. Eats flake, brine shrimp, daphnia, Cyclops, white worms. Can live for nearly 5 years. EASY difficulty. (Fairly Hardy)
Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlid- Ph 6.2-7.7 (Adaptable) Males can grow to 3.5 in or 9cm, females slightly smaller. Peaceful but territorial, living in a harem hierarchy, 3 females to one male. Flake food, live brine shrimp, blood worms, and frozen white worms. Can live for around 5 years. EASY difficulty. (Hardy)
Congo Tetra- Ph 5.5-7.5 (Slightly Adaptable) Can grow to 3 in or 8 cm. Peaceful shoaling fish. Eats flake, brine shrimp, daphnia, Cyclops, white worms. Can live for nearly 5 years. EASY difficulty. (Fairly Hardy)
Convict- Ph 6.4-7.4. (Very Adaptable) Can grow up to 4 inches or 10 cm. Very Aggressive, especially during breeding seasons. Will eat flake, frozen foods, and brine shrimp. Can live upwards of 15 years. EASY difficulty (Hardy)
Corydoras Catfish- Ph 6.0-8.0. (Very Adaptable) Many species can grow upwards of 3.5 in or 10 cm. Peaceful Shoaling fish. Will eat flake food and any leftov-ers that float to the bottom as they are bottom feeders. Can live upwards of 5 years. EASY difficulty. (Hardy)
Diamond Tetra- Ph 5.5-7.5 (Slightly Adaptable) Can grow to 2 in or 6 cm. Peaceful shoaling fish. Eats flake, brine shrimp, daphnia, Cyclops, white worms. Can live for nearly 5 years. EASY difficulty. (Fairly Hardy)
Discus - Ph 5.8-7.2 (Somewhat Adaptable) Can grow to nearly 5 in or 12 cm tall and 5 in or 12 cm long. Very Peaceful shoaling fish, don't keep with any remotely aggressive fish. Feed flake with supplemental beef heart, brine shrimp, large shrimp, white worms, and daphnia. Can live for almost 20 years. ADVANCED difficulty. (Not Hardy/Delicate)
Dojo Loach – Ph 6.5-7.5 (Unadaptable) Can grow to nearly 12 inches depending on subspecies. A peaceful fish most suited for a coldwater aquarium with goldfish. Will accept flake, frozen foods like brine shrimp and bloodworms, and freeze dried foods. Can live for up to 10 years. IINTERMEDIATE difficulty. (Fairly Hardy)
Dwarf Gouramis – Ph 6.0-7.5. (Slightly Adaptable) Will grow to around 3 in or 8 cm max. A peaceful fish that is not suited for semi-aggressive tank mates as it can and will be easily picked on. Will eat flake, frozen, and vegetable foods. Can live for up to 4 years. INTERMEDIATE difficulty. (Not Hardy/Delicate)
Emperor Tetra – Ph 6.0-7.2 (Adaptable) Can grow to around 3 inches or 8 cm. A peaceful but large shoaling tetra. Will eat flakes, frozen, and almost anything offered. Can live for up to 6 years. EASY difficulty. (Hardy)
Fancy Goldfish – Ph 6.8-7.8 (Very Adaptable) Size varies, but many grow to nearly 6 in or 15 cm long (But are very bulky and produce much waste). Very peaceful fish that are great in groups if given enough space, but don’t mix with tropical fish as they can carry many diseases that more greatly affect their tropical cousins. Can live for over 15 years. EASY difficulty. (Very Hardy)
Festivum – Ph 6.5-7.5. (Adaptable) Can grow to around 4 in or 10 cm. Semi-Aggressive, but mostly aggressive when breeding; characteristic of most cichlids. Will eat live, frozen, and flake foods. Can live for over 10 years. EASY difficulty. (Hardy)
Figure 8 Puffer – Ph 7.0-7.8 (Not Adaptable) Can grow to around 3 in or 8 cm. Semi-Aggressive fin nipper that can reek havoc on large peaceful fish. Eats mostly live and frozen foods. Can live for nearly 5 years. INTERMEDIATE difficulty. (Not Hardy)
Firemouth – Ph 6.5-7.8. (Adaptable) Will grow to almost 7 in or 18 cm. Aggressive Cichlid. Will eat anything from flake, to frozen, to live foods. Can live for almost 15 years. EASY difficulty. (Very Hardy)
Freshwater Stonefish- Ph 7.0-8.0. (Not Adaptable)Can grow up to 6 in or 15cm. Peaceful but has a big mouth and is a natural predator, so no small fish. Eats live foods and frozen beef heart. Can live for up to 10 years. ADVANCED difficulty (poisonous fish that prefers brackish water.) (Fairly Hardy)
Frontosa – Ph 7.5-8.8. (Slightly Adaptable) Can grow to around 14 in or 35 cm. Aggressive cichlid. Will eat flake, live, and frozen foods like beef heart and bloodworms. Can live upwards of 15 years. ADVANCED difficulty. (Hardy)
Giant Danio – Ph 6.6-7.6. (Adaptable)Can grow to 4 in or 10 cm. Semi-Aggressive danio that tends to be nippy. Will eat flake foods and frozen foods like blood worms, mysis shrimp, and brine shrimp. Can live up to 6 years. EASY difficulty. (Hardy)
Glass Catfish – Ph 6.2-7.2. (Adaptable) Grows up to 6 in or 15 cm. Peaceful schooling fish. Will eat flake, small frozen foods like brine shrimp, and live brine shrimp. Can live up to 8 years. EASY difficulty. (Fairly Hardy)
Glassfish - Ph 6.2-7.2. 9 (Adaptable) Grows up to 3 in or 8 cm. Peaceful schooling fish. Will eat flake, small frozen foods like brine shrimp, and live brine shrimp. Can live up to 8 years. EASY difficulty. (Fairly Hardy)
Glowlight Tetra –Ph 6.0-7.5. (Adaptable) Will grow to 1.5 inches or 4cm. A peaceful schooling fish. Will eat flake, small frozen foods, and brine shrimp. Can live for up to 5 years. EASY difficulty. (Hardy)
Goldfish – Ph 6.8-7.8. (Very Adaptable) Will grow to 12 in or 30 cm. A peaceful schooling goldfish that prefers more of it’s kind. Eats flake, frozen, live, and vegetation. Can live well over 10 years. EASY difficulty. (Ridiculously Hardy)
Guppy – Ph 6.8-8.0. (Adaptable) Can grow to 2 in or 5 cm. A peaceful and colorful fish, great for beginners. Eats flakes, and frozen foods like brine shrimp and blood worms. Can live up to 5 years. EASY difficulty. (Hardy)
Harlequin - 6 years
Hatchetfish - 5 years
Hog Nose Brochis - 10 years
Honey Gourami - Ph 6.0-7.5. (Slightly Adaptable) Will grow to around 3 in or 8 cm max. A peaceful fish that is not suited for semi-aggressive tank mates as it can and will be easily picked on. Will eat flake, frozen, and vegetable foods. Can live for up to 4 years. INTERMEDIATE difficulty. (Not Hardy/Delicate)
Jack Dempsey - 10 to 18 years
Jordan's Catfish - 10+ years
Khuli Loach- Ph 6.8-7.8. (Fairly Adaptable) Can grow up to 14 in or 35 cm. Peaceful but can chase larger slow moving fish and will kill and eat many invertebrates. Will eat flake, frozen food, brine shrimp, young snails etc. Can live in over 5 years. INTERMEDIATE difficulty. (Fairly Hardy, but scaleless and prone to infections)

Killifish - 1 to 2 years
Kissing Gourami - 5 years
Knife Fish-
Koi Carp - 200+ years
Kribensis - 5 years
Lemon Tetra - 5 years
Leopard Danio - 5 to 7 years
Leopard Gourami- Ph 6.8-7.6 (Adaptable). Can grow to 8 inches long and around 4 inches high. Semi-aggressive towards small fish and own species. Large Flake foods are accepted, supplemental with live foods, brine shrimp, and beefheart, and anything large enough to attract their attention. Lives up to 10 years. INTERMEDIATE (Very Hardy)
Leporinus Fasciatus – Ph 10+ years
Livingstoni - 10+ years
Midas Cichlid - 15+ years
Mollie - 4 years
Moonlight Gourami - 4 years
Needle Fish-
Neon Rainbow - 3 to 4 years
Neon Tetra – See Black Neon
Oscar - 10 to 18 years
Otocinclus - 5 years
Pacu - 10 years
Pearl Danio - 5 years
Pearl Gourami - 4 years
Pictus Catfish - 8 years
Piranha - 10 years
Platy - 3 to 5 years
Pleco - 7 to 15 years
Rafael Catfish - 7 to 15 years
Rainbow Shark - 7 years
Rams - 4 years
Rasboras - 5 to 10 years
Red Eye Tetra - 5 years
Red Rainbow - 5 years
Red Tailed Catfish - 15 years
Redtail Shark - 8 years
Rosy Barb - 5 years
Royal Pleco - 10+ years
Rummy Nose Tetra - 5 to 10 years
Severum – Ph 6.4-7.6. (Adaptable) Can grow up to 10 inches or 25 cm. They are Aggressive, but can be peaceful with similar sized South American cichlids, armored catfisah, and some larger barbs like Tinfoil Barbs and tetras. Will eat flake foods, but prefer sinking pellets like Hikari Cichlid Gold and frozen worms and prawns. Can live for up to 20 years. INTERMEDIATE difficulty. (Hardy)
Silver Dollar - 10+ years
Silvertip Tetra - 5 years
Simease Fighting Fish - 2 years
Skunk Loach- Ph 6.8-7.8. (Fairly Adaptable) Can grow up to 4 in or 10 cm. Semi-Aggressive and will chase larger slow moving fish and will kill and eat many invertebrates. Will eat flake, frozen food, brine shrimp, young snails etc. Can live in up to 10 years. INTERMEDIATE difficulty. (Fairly Hardy, but scaleless and prone to infections)

Swordtails - 3 to 5 years
Texas Cichlid - 10+ years
Tiger Barb - 6 years
Tigerfish - 5 years
Tinfoild Barb - 10 years
Upside Down Catfish - 5 years
Weather Loach - 10 years
Whiptail - 10+ years
White Cloud Mountain Minnow - 5 to 7 years
Yo-yo Loach- Ph 6.8-7.8. (Fairly Adaptable)Can grow up to 6 in or 15 cm. Peaceful but can chase larger slow moving fish and will kill and eat many invertebrates. Will eat flake, frozen food, brine shrimp, young snails etc. Can live in excess of 10 years. INTERMEDIATE difficulty. (Fairly Hardy, but scaleless and prone to infections)
Zebra Cichlid - 10+ years
Zebra Danio - 5 years

(some of the foods you will see mentioned)
Daphnia- a small invertebrate normally frozen. Good treat for smaller fish.
Cyclops- much like daphnia
Blood Worms- very high in protein, nutritious treat that should be nothing more than a treat for fish. Can cause constipation and other issues if fed too much.
Beef Heart- very nutritious food for many larger fish, helps them grow healthy fast, but can foul the water if left uneaten.
White Worms- Mosquito Larvae, very nutritious for many livebearers and almost all other fish.
Tubifex Worms- Be very careful feeding these as they contain many parasites that can survive even freezing. Never feed live tubifex unless you know the source they come from.

Thanks to, severum boy, and many other sources.
If you PM me with about 5 names at a time I'll work on them when I have the spare time. (New job, weird swinging you can guess what that is like)

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