Anyone Want A Betta?


New Member
Feb 15, 2006
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I got a betta a little over a month ago, and shortly thereafter, I became allergic to something about it. I'm not sure if it's the fish, or maybe something on the tank, or maybe his food, but either way I can't keep him. Is there anyone in the southern Maine area who wants to take my fish? I'd give you the tank, gravel, heater, net, food, everything...I just need to find someone who wants him. I'll need to find someone to take him around May 10. Anyone interested? Let me know...
what are your symptoms? what are you feeding the betta? I remember reading a post from someone that said she was allergic to bloodworms.
freeze dried bloodworms make me sneeze, have itchy eyes, and have an itchy on my arm
i heard a lot of people have allergic reactions to FD blood worms.
I thought that might be the case, but my betta actually doesn't like FD bloodworms, so I stopped feeding them to him a while ago. My symptoms are: runny nose, congestion, itchy eyes (when it's bad), tons of sneezing, and snot dripping into my throat. I've been really congested for a while, too.
Is it even possible to be allergic to a fish? Wouldn't you actually have to touch it? :/
I'm not really sure what kind he is, but this is his picture:



He's in a two and a half gallon, has a new heater, plastic plant, etc.

I live in southern Maine, near Freeport...

(it's a glass aquarium, flamepony12)
try feeding him FROZEN BLOODWORMS instead of dust at all lol.they should be available at most lfs
Hmmm, interesting; I didn't know people could be allergic to bloodworms. I remember after I fed my fish bloodworms for the first time, I thought that it smelled good... like hotdogs and I love an occasional hotdog. :drool:
You smell your fish food? :blink: :lol: jk, I know what you mean. Though I've never fed live bloodworms, only frozen or freeze-dried.
What are you feeding him now? Bet you anything it's the food you're allergic to.
Freeze dried or frozen, bloodworms are highly allergenic. Trust me, I found out the hard way when I developed an allergy to them many years into feeding!

Yep, you got it right, the itchy eyes, burning, sometimes swelling and watering, congestion, sinus probs. And that is without even touching them. Sneezing sneezing sneezing!

Likely, the pellets or whatever food you use also contains some bloodworm. I even react to the waterchanges because of the small amount of BW in water or feces. Without even touching it!

I haven't stopped feeding them, but I limit them alot now, and take a sudafed first. Still, I do react, and sometimes just to the flake.

My doctor actually told me that BW allergies can get WORSE with time, so I should stop using them altogether


I hope you find a nice home for him! Do you have a local online classifieds? I use them alot for things like that myself

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