Anyone used this system before

Tropical Tony

Fish Crazy
May 4, 2020
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Hi guys,

mom looking on adding pressurised Co2 to my tank and was wondering if anyone has ever used the tropica Co2 system nano?

No, I never have...

What plants are you thinking about growing? If the tank has shrimp in it, its not a good idea. It doesn't take much Co2 to kill shrimp.
Is there a reason for adding diffused CO2? I hate seeing members throwing money away, lol.
I have Monte Carlo, dwarf hairgrass (the mini type) reikinii pink, java moss, cryp balansae, siamensis 53c, hydro tria, and a couple of other ones I can’t remember the name of at the moment haha.
There are 5 crystal shrimp.

I want to add some Co2 because growth just seems slow and some leaves are browning.
I have Monte Carlo, dwarf hairgrass (the mini type) reikinii pink, java moss, cryp balansae, siamensis 53c, hydro tria, and a couple of other ones I can’t remember the name of at the moment haha.
There are 5 crystal shrimp.

I want to add some Co2 because growth just seems slow and some leaves are browning.

It is likely othr factors than CO2. Is this the same as the other thread earlier this week/last week on browning carpet plants? I think it was suggested that was not a CO2 issue.
I'm gonna step up on a soapbox for a minute...I'm a fishkeeper that uses plants for naturalization and as an aid to water purity. High tech tanks that use CO2, bright light, and lots of ferts, may be great for aquatic gardening, but not so great for fish. When you think of it, all three (bright light, CO2, and ferts) are all really negatives when it comes to fish care.
[end soapbox]
I’ve just been watching comparison videos of tanks without Co2 and plants with Co2 and people seem to have much more success with Co2. I want My carpet plants to grow mostly but also my rotalia. Here’s a pic Colin.

If you add lots of fertiliser and have good light then there are sufficient plants for CO2. However, you need to make sure there is sufficient KH in the water and set the CO2 unit up well before you add fish. Monitor the CO2 levels in the water and get everything stable first, then after everything is settled and you know what you are doing with the CO2, add some fish.

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