Anyone Selling (Plakats Or Hm)


New Member
Jan 1, 2011
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Hi, it seems neanly impossible to get hold of a male/female, Plakat or HalfMoon ANYWHERE!
i have been to probly every pet shop in a 40 Mile radius and they only sell veil or crowtail, which was expected. I havent came across anyone breeding them in my area and have been looking for a few months, i even advertised ads and still no luck! surely these fish are not that hard to get hold of, are they? I dont really fancy shipping a fish over from a another country either.

i was wondering if anyone in the (North East of England) was breeding and selling any,
(Stockton-on-Tees, Middlesbrough, Durham, Darlington, Norton, Billingham?)

Any information would be much greatful, Cheers ! :D
i know there is a guy on ebay just recieved some wild PK pairs as i have ordered some Betta Falx from him, he seems to know his stuff, might be worth a shot if you can't find any locally :)
Is there a Maidenhead aquatics near you? The stores here let you order them as they have a list of breeders...
Ive got a few juvanile crowntails for sale but i see your not after CT. I will be breeding HM as soon as i get the room. Have you tried steve bell ? He always has them for sale good:
How do i get in touch with steve, and where abouts is he at :) i dont mind CT but it depends what colours and where are bouts are you at :) thanks for quick replies btw.
I've bought a couple of really nice breeding pairs from betta breeders on eBay. I couldn't find the type of Bettas I was after anywhere and I finally found them online. I wasn't too happy about them being posted to me (the postman's face when I opened the door and he said "Hi, I've got your um (then he glanced at the parcel)...Live Fish, Oh. Wow... Really?" :lol: ) but they arrived the next morning before 9am (on the dot!) from halfway across the country and when I carefully unpacked the box and got them out, they were fine! Best quality fish I've bought from anywhere!
i have tried ebay, and there is barely any on :p you must have fell lucky, do you know the item number of any decent ones, would be much thankful :good: :rolleyes:
there have been very few on ebay recently which is a shame as i am after a few girls :rolleyes:

i will keep my eye out for you though as i look every few days :lol:
Hi, I have alot unusual colours of CT's like metallic purple/greens red/pink metallic red/greens. Im in the sheffield area but i also post fish out too.
there have been very few on ebay recently which is a shame as i am after a few girls :rolleyes:

i will keep my eye out for you though as i look every few days :lol:

During the summer there are quite a few on there, I think this time of year puts people off posting them :)
Yeah true :crazy: , ive only had two male betta in the past.. both from LFS my first one was a veil tail few years back and i brought it home and put it in a cycled heated filtered 30litre tank, i fed him tetra betta flakes which he ate twice a day. He only lived for 4 days i was shocked and took it back to the pet store and asked what i done wrong, he more or less said its the quality of the fish, since they have been shipped from czech republic,

My second betta was a crowntail from a lfs, a few weeks ago. i purchase him and two females which i have still got (veiltail and a crowntail female) all three of them where in little cups, i was shocked but decided to give them a chance in life :). ive had them for around 4 weeks, the females are coming on great and getting brighter in colour. but the male sadly died, he wouldnt eat pellets, flake, live. but only bloodworm and brine shrimp in jelly (from surface) so picky! then his eyes went realy dull and sadly dead!

now i want a fish that hasnt been shipped and i would like to know the background of my fish and where it is coming from :p !

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