Anyone see anything wrong with this???


Fish Herder
Apr 20, 2004
Reaction score
I was browsing a page looking for more info on Green Texas Cichlids.

and saw this testimonial

I have a 200 liter tank and in it I have a full grown texas ciclid. Everything I have heard about these fish says that they are extremely vicious, but I have found that to be untrue in my case. My texas is living in harmony with a full grown jack dempsey, a group of tiger barbs, three clown loaches, a large sail fin pleco and a pair of cats. The jack and texas are inseparable, making it a wonderful tank to watch. The texas cichlid is very easy to look after, he has a lot of character and is incredibly colorful. I think the texas ciclid is a terrific addition to any large aquarium.
Well, there are too many variables left out. I'd say as advice it's terrible, but that doesn't mean it's impossible. He may have gotten lucky, and I wouldn't bet my own luck on it - it's playing with fire.

First. Are they males, females, one of each? Males and females of different species have been known to pair up, having none of their own kind to choose from.

Full grown? I'd be curious as to what size they actually are, considering fish are technically only full grown when they die, and in a 50 gallon tank it would be pretty darn tight with all that in there - I highly doubt the were 'grown' - the poster could have the wrong idea of their potential sizes, or could have very poor judgement on measuring.

In a sense you can compare it to a fish store tank - pack enough fish into a small enough space and aggression becomes non-existant. As long as you can keep up with the water changes and filtration you'd be surprised how long fish can live under these terrible conditions. Of course, there's also no room for any natural behavior to be exercised, or any decor... possible or not, it's a lame tank that can't even be called an aquarium.
Yeah I agree, tank is waaaaaay too big for those little fishies.....they'll be feeling really lonely cos they'll hardly ever see each other in all that water... maybe add a school of bala sharks or two?
Quite usual... Nowadays when Im looking some information about fish, I usually skip every homepages - best pages are usually in german. In some countries fishkeeping is something like "Buy as small tank as it is possible and put as big fish as you can find there".

It's frustrating and make me only feel sad, when people just want to show their friends how cool fish they found. It's not a hobby at all.

My motto is "Buy a tank as big as possible but buy only few little fishes" ;)
Even if his fish get along which is a miracle in its self, his tank is way too small for his fish- sailfins need at least a 125gal tank due to growing 2ft long and he has too many clown loachs taking into consideration they grow to a ft long each and his other fish...
Everything I have heard about these fish says that they are extremely vicious

So he bought one anyways. That right there should tell you he has no idea what hes talking about.

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