Anyone own a horseshoe


Fish Fanatic
Aug 2, 2004
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I saw a horseshoe crab in the store the other day and wanted to know if anyone on here has one in their tank. thanks
unfortunately they are unsuitable for most aquariums
as ecto said, they do become very large (about 2ft across if my memory serves)
added to that they are pretty clumsy animals, and have a tendency to dislodge rockwork - so bye bye reef.
they really need a very large tank with a large expanse of open sand.
I'll second the size comment..they wash up on our beaches all the time and they are HUGE. SH
Great sand sifters but do grow huge. I bought one the size of a quarter and lost it when t was just over 5 inches. It was a funny tank mate. I sometimes went weeks with out seeing it at all.

It was my first molting fish and gave me a heart attack one morning. I had removed the exo skeleton and assumed it was dead. Alomst a month later there was this thing pushing up on the sand. I thought someone was playing a jke on me until I did some reading.

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