My apologies,,Pitbull plecos are pretty common here, and I must admit that I too have a fair amount of expierience with numerous species of these fish. Pitbulls I am rearing are from a spawn of about 30 and is the second spawn from the pair I received approx eight months ago.They are quite happy .
I stand by my statement that your analogy with regards to Oscar is not doable based on waste created by an adult Oscar.Anyone who has kept them will note that nearly half of what they take in through their mouths when feeding, quickly passes over and out through the gills and falls back to the substrate and the rest is excreted through the other end of the fish.This makes keeping water quality for an adult oscar at optimimum level's very much like a job, a job that most grow weary of long before the fish reaches it's growth potential. Extra filtration and water changes perhaps twice weekly, of near 50 percent would be needed in my view for just this one adult specimen. Filters and material therein would need cleaning weekly.No,,adult oscar under average person's care would not fair well.(not doable) IME
Have kept my current clown pleco in ten gal tank for going on one year now along with eight Threadfin rainbows no troubles.Clown pleco is an adult male and around four inches maybe.
Have a breeding pair of adult longfinned albino Bristlenose in 20 gal tank, and their offspring numbering around 50 in ten gal tank with powerhead attached to sponge filter.
The two inch clown pleco that OP has,,will be fine for some time in ten gal with normal weekly maint in my opinion, which holds no less,,no more credibility than anyone elses.
Have kept raised,or bred, more species of plecos than most have had birthday's.
Strangely enough this is the whole point and i never said currently that it wouldn't be ok to keep in a 10g tank short term, i have grown very many young on in 10g tanks... that is not the issue and far from the issue i actually tried to get across.... it was my impression from your very first post that this plec would be fine 'permanently' in a... and i quote...
Unless your tank is smaller than 10 gallons, the clown pleco should be fine.
this from your last post...
The two inch clown pleco that OP has,,will be fine for some time in ten gal with normal weekly maint
You either think it will be ok long term or be ok for some time?...
This isn't a thread asking weather the fish would be ok in a 10g tank, however yes the fish would be OK in a 10g tank however i said it really needs larger 'longterm' for it to thrive.
Just because you keep yours in a 10g and it's fine... i could say that about someone else keeping a common in a 2 foot tank.. it will survive... that is the whole point.. surviving isnt thriving, hard to see a plec thriving rather than just surviving i grant you so you wouldn't know if your was or wasn't.... if put in a tank larger.. you are guarantying that it will thrive (given the right conditions obviously).
The oscar analogy still baffles me... give the tank the extra filtration on oscar would need in larger tanks, up by 20% say and then have in a 3 foot tank.... no difference except tank been smaller.... as i said no i wouldn't condone it but that isn't the issue here, the fact that it is doable is... the fact the it only been doable is the whole point and can be done/has been done/will be done for many years from now. life expectancy may well be shorter, growth may not be so prominent.. however.. this is still the issue that it can be done (doable). No difference from keeping a clown in a tank which would equivalently be equal to certain degree's... even waste to size of fish would probably a very close match.
But.... lets not get into the whole ive bred this ive bred that lol.... i have experience from many years.. not just from breeding but keeping solely plecs for many many years yet i still often look to see what the generalised info/consensus is rather than from just my experience. I agree my opinion obviously with you holds no credibility as yours doesn't me... however if you ask many other plec keepers( experienced)... i assure you there will tend to agree a 10g tank for most if not all species of plec is to small longterm/lifeterm.
Anyways lol, this has got more into something than the OP had expected so i will keep stum now lol.. and just wish the OP goodluck with re homing
I appreciate the lively debate over the feasibility of keeping a clown pleco in a 10 gallon tank. I think we all could agree that you could put the pleco in a much, much smaller tank with some success and although it might be cruel to do so I am sure it has been done.
Referencing the long post by FishyJake13, I never would have bought the pleco if I thought it would be a problem: I was recommended it at the fish shop [they sell only fish and fish things, not a petsmart or anything] over otto cats and I assumed that they knew what they were saying. And they knew the tank setup I had and my projects for it.
As for my responsibility, that is neither here nor there in the end. Responsibility is taking care of the animal you own as best you can. In a 10 or a 50.
Still, if anyone in St. Louis, MO or the area is looking for a clown pleco, let me know. It is quite the "stunner," I must admit.
Hi mate apologise, i think what i tried to say came over a little wrong, i didn't mean that you intentionally brought the fish knowing it would outgrow, i think most of us know the info given by LFS is 90% of the time wrong and why people have so many issues.
As to people probably keeping them in smaller tanks... no doubt in my mind but this is what forums are about, to give the correct info for the species of fish been asked about... i never just take my own experiences as gospel, i take many many other much more experienced peoples opinions with it.... to finally come out with a answer which is generalised to be correct rather than hearsay
As i said mate, goodluck with the sale