Anyone live in toronto .canada?


May 4, 2003
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T.O (Toronto)
:) I want to get a Yorkie...and i am currently trying to find a luck..anyone here knows any? help would be VERY appriciated
Sorry, I don't like yappy little dogs, but I hope you find the perfect dog! (and just ignore my opinion, LoL)
hmm i went to the links..they were very useful! i'm also trying to search out poms..i heard that they are cheaper? :/
MegTheFish said:
Sorry, I don't like yappy little dogs, but I hope you find the perfect dog! (and just ignore my opinion, LoL)
:rofl: i like big dogs 10 timees better too!i still think little dogs are cute just...welll they can hardly protect you from murderers LOL.german shepherds for me :lol:
My little dog Toto (not as little as a pom or yorkie, looks cuter than the real Toto actually... :wub: ) would grab a hold of any murder's leg while I bombard them with flailing balls of cats with claws....
Hi Kevin,

If you wander into a magazine store and pic up the Dog's Annual magazine they have a very comprehensive listing of all the dog breeders in Ontario, including yorkies and poms.

I will also recommend that you visit your local animal shelter and see if you can find a yorkie or pom you like there. They always need a good home and would also cost a lot less.

Good luck with your search! :)


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