Anyone know what this is?


New Member
Jul 23, 2020
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I have 6 glowlight tetras, 4 neon tetras, 6 lemon tetras, 1 zebra danio (I had 4, 3 were put in 26 ltr tank to be treated for fungus, and I can't catch this little bugger) I returned the 3 to the shop as they were attack ing my cherry shrimp, I have just introduced 3 otocinclus catfish (1 I can't find since they've gone in) and 3 pea/dwarw puffers.
I've just notice this pile of black round things around my flint cave, are they eggs? Surely can't be poo as there is just too much of it. Any idea guys, apologies if this is wrong thread to post in, I'm new to the forums


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Yes, looks like poop.

Your stocking is also mixed up... for one thing, Dwarf Pea puffers need to be in a species only tank. (A tank with just DPP)

Neon Tetras need to be in groups of 6 or more, so I suggest getting a couple more. Zebra danios also need to be in groups of 6 or more, or they will start to nip at other fish.

How big is your tank?
Not sure if my emails sent.
The idea that pea puffers are species only is a myth.
I have kept South American, figure 8 and pea puffers over the 22 years I've been keeping fish and have never had an issue as long as the other fish are peaceful and established before the puffers are introduced and I am aware that the danios prefer groups, 5 is normally OK and that's what I had but they got fungus so I put them in 26 ltr tank to be treated and have ended up being returned to the shop (I couldn't catch the 4th one {1 died) I am getting 4 neons in exchange for the 3 danios but am waiting 2 weeks as they've just been treated for white spot. I have never seen a pile of poo like this before though
@PheonixKingZ is right dwarf puffers arnt community fish. The one fish that I have heard can live with them is ottos because they are aggressive to other species and just because there is no aggression now dosnt mean they can’t have a bad day and kill everything. I think it’s poop to:good:
It's either poop or you spilled some carbon granules.

You didn't mention it in your list but do you have any snails in the tank - nerite snails?

The reason the others have commented on the puffers is because they have a reputation as fin nippers.
It's either poop or you spilled some carbon granules.

You didn't mention it in your list but do you have any snails in the tank - nerite snails?

The reason the others have commented on the puffers is because they have a reputation as fin nippers.
Hi essjay,
I have trumpet snails and ramshorns, haven't put any carbon granules in, pea puffers have a bad reputation with some people for fin nipping and I'm sure there are individuals who are mean tempered but I've never had any trouble, once the other fish are non aggressive and established in the tank 1st, I got 3 otos with the 3 puffers and have sexed the puffers as 2 females and a male so I'm delighted, I fed them krill as a welcome treat and will use bloodworm (which they love) and always make sure the snail population is good as all of my puffers in the past have been crazy about snails.
The black bits look just like the poop from my nerite snails after they've been grazing on wood, which is why I asked. If the ramshorns are those tiny pest snail neither they nor the trumpet snails do poop like that. I've never kept the large species of ramshorn so I don't know about them (or their poop).

Other than that, I suggest siphoning the bits out and see if they come back.
The black bits look just like the poop from my nerite snails after they've been grazing on wood, which is why I asked. If the ramshorns are those tiny pest snail neither they nor the trumpet snails do poop like that. I've never kept the large species of ramshorn so I don't know about them (or their poop).

Other than that, I suggest siphoning the bits out and see if they come back.
Yeah, I'm taking it out now, it's just so weird, a big pile like that! Never had anything like it before, am just wondering if it was granules that were stuck to the bags of the otos/puffers somehow, either way getting it out
The black bits look just like the poop from my nerite snails after they've been grazing on wood, which is why I asked. If the ramshorns are those tiny pest snail neither they nor the trumpet snails do poop like that. I've never kept the large species of ramshorn so I don't know about them (or their poop).

Other than that, I suggest siphoning the bits out and see if they come back.
Definitely not poop, they were hard like carbon granules but god knows, they must have been on the bottom of the bags when the puffers and otos were delivered today, I've emailed the place where I got them from so hopefully theyll have an answer for me, I also managed to catch the lone danio that has evaded me for days and he's gone back to the local pet shop so all is well, thanks for the feedback
I'm thinking it may be some of the substrate from wherever the new fish came from. Like almost like the planted tank substrate...
I'm thinking it may be some of the substrate from wherever the new fish came from. Like almost like the planted tank substrate...
I'd say you're right, had to be on the bottom of the bags though, I definitely didn't get any in the net when I transferred fish from bag to tank, absolutely love puffers, they're such little characters!

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