Anyone Know What These Are?!?


Fish Gatherer
Apr 29, 2005
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South Carolina... Smiling Faces, Beautiful Places.
I got a blue lobster (crayfish) yesterday. This morning I've noticed he has a few little white worm-type things on him, attached at one end, but not the other. :crazy: What are these and how do I get rid of them???
I called the lfs and the guy there told me not to worry about them, they won't hurt anything, even I put him in with other fish at some time. However, this guy is generally an a-hole, so I don't take to heart too much of what he tells me.
Can anyone else help, please? :unsure:
Without pictures id guess at Anchor Worms
Doesn't sound good, I have no idea what you would even treat them with, since any treatment I can think of would kill the cray too :crazy: .
Better visit a crayfish forum, or ask boboboy (member here) who visits them frequently so may know what they are/what to do.

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