Anyone Know The Proper Name For A "talking Catfish"

Sorry its neither of these. It has a flatter/wider face and its a light brownish colour.

Im having a nightmare finding info on all of the fish my missus likes. :sad:

It would help if the lfs labled there fish properly.

I think next time we go to the lfs, im taking a camera. Then i will just post the pics.

A word of advice never say to your partner "you can choose the fish to go into that tank" in the hopes of sparking some intrest into them.
They tend to do things the noob way, ie they say i will have one of those,two of those,ten of those and so on. :crazy:
And then your the one who has to come home and spend hours apon hours trying to reserch them.

The way i do it is i read forums like this, flik thru fish index's until i come across a fish i like the look of. This way i get the scientific name for the fish, then i reserch them as much as possible before i make a decision to have them. By the time you've done that you know what the fish looks like back to front. Thus eliminating any chance of buying the wrong fish because its labled wrongly.
Almost every fish in the store is wrongly named acsept for the normal every day common variety's.

They'r a good lfs for variety and they will always order a fish for you, but they definatly stink when it comes to labeling.

I will go back with a camera tomorrow. :good:
I've seen Synodontis eupterus labelled as talking catfish before, same foes for Platydoras costatus (also labelled as striped raphael...). Most of the Family mochokidae (which synos belong in) will make a squeaking sound. If you're not aware before you buy them, you can be shocked by it.
I've seen Synodontis eupterus labelled as talking catfish before, same foes for Platydoras costatus (also labelled as striped raphael...). Most of the Family mochokidae (which synos belong in) will make a squeaking sound. If you're not aware before you buy them, you can be shocked by it.

Thanks this has put me on the right track, I will get a photo of it tomorrow and that should help me positivly id it. :good:
The talking catfish most normally normally refers to members of the Family Doradidae. There are a number of species, and the largest growing one is brown, so it could be a baby one of them.

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