Anyone Know Of Any Odballs I Could Keep..


Formerly: Catfish Are Cool
Apr 30, 2006
Reaction score
Cheshire, UK
Just wondering weather there are any oddballs that can be kept for their whole lives in a 3Lx2Hx1W foot tank...
(preferably, fairly easy to keep)

thanks, mikey
Peacock gobies class as oddballs, and are extremely attractive. Bumblebee gobies as long as you're careful about tank mates (maybe a species tank).

African butterfly fish, I would have thought- but please correct me if I'm wrong.

Halfbeaks don't technically class as oddballs, but they're certainly odd-looking enough. Another odd-but-not-oddball I've always wanted to try is the Ctenopoma ansorgii (anabantoid).

Must be any number of killifish.
dwarfgourami has already posted some nice ideas. Butterflyfish are certainly amongst the more unusual fish that would do well in a medium sized aquarium. Microctenopoma ansorgii is also a lovely, easy to keep fish. Very colourful. Badis badis is similar, and there are a bunch of new species appearing, all very small and very colourful. Would mix beautifully with some of the new danios.

Also consider glassfish, hatchetfish (fun and very tame), and South American puffers (relatively peaceful and seemingly best kept in groups). Polypterus palmas is a nice, small bichir. There are dozens of catfish that would fit the bill: twig catfish, the Corydoras-imitating Brachyrhamdia imitator, and the smaller banjo catfish for a start.

A subtropical-themed aquarium with hillstream loaches and any of the cool-water gobies from China would be fun, and there are lots of subtropical barbs and minnows that would make good dither fish.

A freshwater invertebrate aquarium would be challenging but very interesting, and you could of course keep a variety of inoffensive fish in there as well.


thanks, theres some good ideas there...
i may saveup though and get something a 100gal and keep somehing large :hey:
dont really know, im just looking for some good ideas really...

3x2x1 is over 40g (US) and everyone really deals with US gallons so it's probably to use their gallon size.

For that size tank I'd go with halfbeaks, odd looking apistos, african butterfly fish, senegal bichirs, congo tetras, small plecs and more. A tank that size has great potential for small oddballs.

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