Anyone Know Anything About Seahorses In Aquariums

They are saltwater fish.

Technically, the female gives birth to the fry. The female lays the eggs into the males pouch and once they hatch he pops them out.
You should do tons of reading of them. They are saltwater, and require atleast a 40 gallon setup. Lighting and corals is good. Seahorses are also expensive for about $80 or so over here. Generally saltwater tanks are not hard to create and maintain. The only differamce from sw and fw is salt, liverock, powerheads, skimmer, salt. Once you get everything salt is all you need for water changes.

I got a 10 gallon sw tank with one clownfish 2 hermit crabs. I don't got a skimmer cus not much in my tank and it's a small tank. I do however use a filter along with my liverock :)
Moved to the saltwater section of the forum to get better interactions with other members.
A case can definitely be made for seahorses, which incubate eggs in a pouch before discharging them into the tank's water, are indeed livebearers. But they are hardly common to a freshwater person though. The livebearer section seems to only be frequented by freshwater enthusiasts, including me, so I have moved the thread here.
If a species tank they can be about average to keep, seahorses and pipefish are slow to feed and will soon starve if kept with faster fish.
They need a tank that's higher then it is wide, they can uncurl to about 3x their body length when courting.

They need very stable water parameters and regular feeds (can be trained onto frozen food apparantly)
seahorses and pipefish are reccomended only for experienced marine fish keepers as they ae sensitive to salinity/temp/feeding changes.

That's what 5 minutes of google taught me, there is a seahorse setup in the journal section that is more indepth.
are they saltwater tank or freshwater tank species? i know the male is the one that gives birth.

take a look at this. seahorse info then think long and hard. seahorses are not for the novice. if they were, I'd have tanks of them. lol, always providing they are not on the RED LIST.

Yes they can, but it is very very difficult to raise them and take alot more care and devotion then the adults. Out of hundreds of young you would be lucky to get 1-2 to survive to adulthood.
Technically, the female gives birth to the fry. The female lays the eggs into the males pouch and once they hatch he pops them out.

I don't get this. If the female deposits the eggs and the male fertalises them inside himself, how is that any different from a male depositing sperm into the female and it happening that way?

So the males are carrying and giving birth to the babies
After a lenghty courtship, the female deposits her eggs inside the males pouch - he then ferilises them and carries them to term. When fully grown he will then give birth. Depending on species this can be hundreds of perfect minitures.

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