anyone keep 2 plecs together?


Fish Fanatic
Jun 23, 2005
Reaction score
alabama, USA
i currently have a chocolate albino in my 55g. hes about 3" right now. he has a cave he almost never leaves.

i REALLY want a golden nugget and i found a good local source for them. would they get along ok?

please correct me if im wrong, but the choc albinos get rather large and the gold nugs stay small correct?

i havent been able to find good info on how big my choco will get. i am setting up a 120g soon so that will be his new home if need be.

my main concern is the compatibility of the 2 for the next year or so.

GN's are great, I had one for a few months then it decided to pop it's clogs (£15 down the drain!!!!!)

Mine got on fine with my vitattas. I've replaced it with a BN and they get on fine.

I'm not too sure on sizes of your two although I am sure GN's don't reach much more than 8".
the 'chocolate' will probubly be a colour morph of a common plec - getting to arond 12".

Unfortunatly golden nuggets come in medium and large only

L081 Gold Nugget is the smaler at about 8"

L177 Gold Nugget should be about 10"

L018 Gold Nugget get to 14" +

The problem is IDing them correctly when small - that is why we've avoided them.
I've read that the gold nuggets can be territorial towards other bottom dwellers and very hostile towards other gold nuggets.

I have my gold nugget in a tank with 6 cories and they get along just fine. The cories will even swim over, under and around him and he doesn't bother them at all. He is very possesive though, of his slice of fresh zucchini!!

And like your chocolate, he likes to hang out in his own cave. I also discovered that the gold nugget grows rather slowly (compared to my other plecs.)

He's fun to watch when he's out and about in the tank... It's like watching a little Hoover vacuum scurry around the sand!
I've read that the gold nuggets can be territorial towards other bottom dwellers and very hostile towards other gold nuggets.

I have a Gold Nugget which I think (hope?) is a L081. The good news is they are very slow growers and it's only about 2 inches at the moment.

It lives with a Bristlenose a in the 4 months I've had them together, bar one occasion that was my fault, they have completely ignored one another. I think the key is having plenty of room for them to move around in and plenty of Bogwood / Caves as mine seem to have fairly clearly defined territories.
I have an L081 and an L260 in a large tank. They get along all right except for the GN giving a pretty good chase at feeding time. My GN is out about in a very heavily planted tank in clear sight most of the time.
All large growing plecs will get more terotorial when they get older even if they are quite peaceful by nature when small, to help avoid agreesion between them its best to set up many more caves than what you acually have plecs as if you only set up one cave per plec, the other plec will always want the first plecs cave. By setting up lots of caves it means they will cross paths alot less often and have less to fight over, say you had 2 10inch plecs, 4 would be a good number of caves.
Also altering the way you plant and decorate you tank will help alot, by creating open un-decorated and un-planted large spaces between the ones that are you will help to create terotorial boundrys for the plecs to establish themselves in. Feeding them alot and making sure eat plec can eat in peace by dropping food at oposite ends of the tank will help alot to help avoid food disagreements between them.
Im not sure on how many plecs you have but i would be concerned if you have alot of small growing plecs with your larger ones as these usually get pushed out of the way and out-competed for food by the larger ones, setting them up caves that are too small for the larger plecs to enter will make them feel more secure as will making sure their portions of food land right outside their caves so they can quickly drag it in to eat in peace will help alot too :) .
Tokis-Phoenix said:
All large growing plecs will get more terotorial when they get older even if they are quite peaceful by nature when small, to help avoid agreesion between them its best to set up many more caves than what you acually have plecs as if you only set up one cave per plec, the other plec will always want the first plecs cave. By setting up lots of caves it means they will cross paths alot less often and have less to fight over, say you had 2 10inch plecs, 4 would be a good number of caves.
Also altering the way you plant and decorate you tank will help alot, by creating open un-decorated and un-planted large spaces between the ones that are you will help to create terotorial boundrys for the plecs to establish themselves in. Feeding them alot and making sure eat plec can eat in peace by dropping food at oposite ends of the tank will help alot to help avoid food disagreements between them.
Im not sure on how many plecs you have but i would be concerned if you have alot of small growing plecs with your larger ones as these usually get pushed out of the way and out-competed for food by the larger ones, setting them up caves that are too small for the larger plecs to enter will make them feel more secure as will making sure their portions of food land right outside their caves so they can quickly drag it in to eat in peace will help alot too :) .

thaks for the reply.
to answer your question i currently have a 3" plec and will be adding a 4" GN. i currently have 3 caves although i plan on adding at least 1 more

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