Anyone In Northern New Jersey Willing To Help Me With Matures Media?


New Member
Sep 19, 2007
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Hey there, I am very new and very raw in this hobby. I just screw up by using the wrong ammonia. I have been patient for more than three weeks waiting for the tank to cycle. I was wondering if anybody lives in South Orange, Maplewood, West Orange, Millburn Springfield or Union has anything to spare. I could do very well with some mature media to speed up my cycling.

I checked through the list and saw no one listed in Northern NJ. Just thought I'd ask if there was anyone in these neighborhoods ….I have called many LFS but none of them do that….
Just a little FYI for anyone interested; mature media can be shipped, provided it isn't in transit more tan a couple of days. Bag the same as fish, 1/3 water, 2/3 air, and make sure to ship when it isn't too hot out. I add a little frozen bloodworm to the bag, the deteriorating bloodworms create ammonia, feeding the nitrifying bacteria short term.

Shipping via UPS costs around $3 within a state or two.
have you tried Absolutely Fish in Clifton on rt 46? i'd bet they would give you some mature media. if not my family lives in Wayne so i'm up there all the time. i can probably give you some.

BTW Tolak that's good to know...thanks

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