Anyone Id This Pleco


New Member
Aug 4, 2009
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This guy is about 6 months old and came from our common BN pair along with some common and some albino. He was obviously different from the start and you can see the difference in colour next to an albino from the same batch. He is very golden coloured but we are unsure if it's just a darker pigment of albino or some other variety. I'm not an expert at all but am very curious. What do you think?

Yes I can only see both of them after much studying of the picture and I took it lol
He's definitely an albino pleco of some sort- my first thought was bristlenose or common pleco. I would say colour-wise he's just naturally a bit darker type of albino. A lot of albino fish aren't actually that white- my albino corys for example are more a creamy golden looking colour like this;
Thanks all.
He's definately a BN not a common- from my breeding pair :) just didn't know albinos came in such a range of shades!
I think that's it's a shell not a plec lol It is just a Albino BN you get the odd ones that are very light or dark. I've had quite a few.
If the eyes don't have any pigment/color it's an albino. I have regular brown BN I raised from fry, came from a trio of browns that also produced some albino fry. The original trio and all the albino's they produced were sold off last year, along with most of their brown offspring. The remaining browns are now breeding, and are producing some calico and albino fry along with the regular brown fry. There's quite a bit of variation in the calico fry. Some are nearly completely dark with light-colored fins while others are mainly red with a little brown speckling. Calico fry invariably have brown eyes, regardless of how much or little other pigment they have. Same with my super reds, even when tiny fry there's no mistaking them for albinos.

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