Anyone Here Got Snakes?

Hey dude, i had a western hognose for a couple of months and a corn before that...
the problem wouldnt eat (the western hog) so i had to sell his to an expert...
I got a really good deal on him, though i got him seccond hand, i payed £100, and he was about 25cm and he had a tank with everything in it....
if your thinking of getting one...dont, you need to be pretty fearless of getting bitten, which is hard when your have a little monster, hissing his a**e off at you, and in the striking position...
try and get used to handling snakes first (if you havent allready) and get somehting abit tamer...
thats just my experiance of hogs, but mine was bad, just cos of the feeding problem...

Other than that, mine was THE coolest little snake, and if you dont mind the fact that if you get bitten, then your hand will swell up for a week (mildly venomious), then they are truly amazing snake...

Any help, just PM me. Mikey
yes i have 1 hoggy amongst my ever increasing collection and i am picking a rescue one up either today or tomorrow.They are great snakes
castfish, I have been doing a lot of research on hognoses and they do fake biting lunges to ward you off, someone held his hand straight in front og his hognose, perfectly still whilst it was lunging and it never got near. Apparently they're just big bluffers! :D
Yes they do have that type of attitude, but look at this:
Thats what happens when they get you lol.
they do fake lung (though mine never did) with their mouth closed...
Just have a look at that site...wouldnt like that to have happened with mine.
they are much more interesting than corns (which is why i sold my corn) but you have to put up with the hissing etc.
But thats just part of their attitude...
They dont find it easy to bite humans, cos they have fangs in the rear of their mouths, so what they do is if they get hold of you, then they shuffle their mouth forward, to get fangs into the flesh...

Are you thinking of getting one?

yep, I really want one, they are meant to be really friendly, and when you handle them a lot they get better.

was yours wild caught? That might explain the behaviour
No, im preety sure he wasnt...
They are SO affectionate, after the initial hissing lol.
i wish he ate, so i didnt have to give him away :-(
he didnt eat for 3 months and i feared the worst, so i gave him to an expert who lives near me.

Have you got any experiance with snakes, or would this be your 1st?
No, im preety sure he wasnt...
They are SO affectionate, after the initial hissing lol.
i wish he ate, so i didnt have to give him away :-(
he didnt eat for 3 months and i feared the worst, so i gave him to an expert who lives near me.

Have you got any experiance with snakes, or would this be your 1st?

thats a problem i have never had with mine,he is a total pig where food is concerned :rolleyes:

hissing is what hoggies do best and they are always bluff striking but thats what i like about them lol
Yeah, im not complaining about the hissing, but somethimes i got a little nervious, cos i didnt want to get bitten....Its nice to hear, once you get used to it, you just have to go in, and they wont actually be able to get hold of you...
Wish mine bluff striked, wou;ld have really like to see that.


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