Anyone Have Any Suggestions?


Aug 8, 2005
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hi guys,
a while ago I made a post about my sick gold copper guy, and well I fed him peas and he wasn't constipated anymore so I put him back into his section of the 5 gal and I left for the weekend. I came back last night and it was freezing in the room but they had a heater, and he was back on the bottom. I put him back into the bowl and it's not very high but big around. I don't know what is wrong with him, he will dart around and then just sit on the bottom again, he's fairly pale, not really any stripes. Water is same temperature, it's never really cold at all, and still the same water. Anyone know what this is? He's acting so weird and I'm so scared that I'm going to lose him. Thanks in advance.
I don't know if I can help much, but here are some Qs: did you dechlor? What is the temp in the bowl? He's stressed out (the stripes and paleness) have you added stress coat or aquarium salt? Have you changed his environment a lot recently? Perhaps let him relax. Put him in the dark (cover his aquarium). Make sure he has a plant to hide in. Just let him relax for a little while. THere may not be much you can do except make him comfortable. Fish are amazingly resilient. Hope this helps a little bit. :(
If he's pale he's stressed, have you check water quality, is he laboured breathing.
he doesn't have stripes he's just a little pale. I really don't think it's stress that much, he's breathing right, but it just seems like he can't swim. He darts around and then lays there motionless, he is breathing normally though. I usually add salt so I'll add some to this bowl. I added some bettafix too but I don't think that will do anything, he doesn't have finrot or anything. Water is also fine, I have 10 healthy bettas living in it, and yes I dechlor right away and usually let the water sit after it has been dechlorinated.
He's not even moving anymore guys... any ideas anyone??? I had to make him go up for air because he was breathing heavy and the bowl is maybe 5 inches full of water.... I don't know what else to do... I'm going to cry just thinking about losing him but I don't want him to suffer.
Sorry don't no wish i could help, but he dosn't sound good, sorry.
:( thanks for your help I apprechiate it, I guess I'll just have to wait.

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