anyone have a lawnmower blennie?


Fish Fanatic
Oct 27, 2002
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San Mateo,CA (SF BayArea)
hey there,
Just trying to get a clean-up crew going. First i am getting a cleaner shrimp but i was wondering how much algae the lawnmower blennie ate because i consitantly have algae growing on my glass.
I don't have one, but after I saw one in a pet store, I know I will never likely have one.

It was in a tank with a voluminous amount of algae, and it was Riippppiinn through it!!

I am not aware of how varied the diet for one is, however, the way it goes through hair algae, I will never have enough to satisfy one.

They are my favorite fish. Only fish I've truly been sad about that has died on me. But I can tell you this: in a reef tank it is virtually impossible for it to starve to death (assuming your tank is healthy).

It will eat the budding coralline that grows on the glass. It will eat hair and almost all other types of algae.

Plus, they are very, very interesting fish with those huge eyes, and chameleon-like changes of color.

I highly recommend one.
Yes, GL. As long as you periodically have to use a magnet on your glass, you have plenty of food for the lawnmower blenny. And it will also eat hair and other algae.

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