Anyone Have A Half And Half Tank?


New Member
Oct 29, 2006
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Howdy everyone.

Thought I'd see if any of you guys have a tank thats got land on one side and water on the other and have fish in the water and turtles or other reptiles on the land half.

I have a 55 gallon, and used the rocks to shape the tank to where the rocks gradualy slopes up to form land on one side of the tank. I have 2 painted turtles(baby) and about

8- ghost shrimp
6- small Rosie Reds
2- Flounders
2- long snouted spotted fishes that just lays on the bottom mainly.
2- river clams

I was just wondering if I can put soil on one side or a tray containing soil and some small plants or grass, and maybe put a grass snake in it?
2 painted turtles(baby)
I take it simce you mentioned that they are babies, you know that they will eat any fish big enough :/ .

If you halved a 55gal I dont know if you could comfortably fit all those fish in it anyway, but that depends on what you mean by:
2- long snouted spotted fishes that just lays on the bottom mainly.
as its pretty important you find out what they are :crazy: .

2- Flounders
I've always heard those prefer brackish water, and although they can live in freshwater they don't do well in it -_- .

and maybe put a grass snake in it
:X If thats the snake im thinking about then it would definatly eat the fish and i would think it would be too big for a 55gal. Also i didnt know you could even buy them anywhere -_- .
If your talking about a different type of snake, then it would almost certainatly still eat the fish :no: .

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