Anyone Have A Green Eyed Dog?


Fish Aficionado
Jan 23, 2007
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South Carolina
Just curious b/c I've never seen a dog with green eyes before.
The google photos that come up, the eyes don't really appear green to me. More yellow or brown but no apparent green color.

If you have one, photos please :D
i usedto have an old english sheepdog with 1 green and 1 blue eye, sorry i dont have pics :( ( well i do but they are packed away now) stunning dog and beautiful very irregular eye coluring
bet you cant guess what his name was ?? Bowie :)
My shih-tzu was supposed to have green eyes, but when the color fully developed they where just plane dark brown. She was a good dog.
ive never seen them either but everytime i take a pic of my dog its eyes glow like a demon dog lol


this isn't a good one really ive not uploaded them on photobucket yet but this is without the flash
Lol, that's still pretty impressive. Without a flash and they're still glowing lol. Demon dog will rip your soul out and then proceed to lick it to death! muahahahacough
I have never seen a dog with green eyes only brown or blue my border collie sam has one brown and one blue eye but have seen many with both blue eyes and even more with both brown eyes lol :shifty: :hyper:
I have seen some dogs that are mainly white and where whit fur would be, have a white eye, and where it is brown or black, have brown/black eye.
When I was younger I had a dog with green eyes she was a boxer cross a farm dog (presumed border collie or kelpie) Sorry no pics I had none printed and my comp broke down. Verry sad as she has passed away now.
I once saw a doberman husky mix on petfinder, had all the coloring of the doby, but electric blue eyes of the husky... kinda freaky, totally wanted him...

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