anyone has featherfin squeaker?


New Member
Sep 30, 2003
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i'm wondering if anyone here keeps synodontis eupterus aka featherfin squeaker? would love to know more abt ur experience with this upside down catfish.

i bought 3 some 3 months ago when they were still juvenile at ard 1.2 inch ea. the guy at my lfs told me they were synodontis nigriventis & they cd grow only up to 4 inch. but after 3 mths, the biggest of them has grown to a massive 5 inch! i did some chk on planet catfish & found out my cats are actually synodontis eupterus & they can grow to 8 inch in length!

but it's weird i never see them swim upside-down. they're always right-side-up, hehe...& unlike the other 2 who are extremely shy, my middle-sized one (approx. 4") is very tame. i cd signal it to come to the front of the tank juz by waving my fingers!!

all 3 love my black ghost knife. they hang out together often. but they don't seem to like my rainbow shark too much. wheneva the poor guy comes near, it'll be chasen away haha...
Ibought four of these that were called synodontis nigriventis, but three of them have grown much larger than one which has remained small and striped. As they have grown have lost their stripes and are spotted.

Mine only swim upside down when hanging underneath bogwood, which they seem to do a lot. The most dominant one will claim a large cave/curve of wood.

Get a bit jumpy, but after a few months come out to feed in the open no problem. Feed mine frozen foods, algae tabs, sinking peelts etc. Nothing refused!!

They don't bother any of the other fish on my sig, but get annoyed with the clowns trying to play with them occasionally!! :lol:
oh yeah, mine do squeek when I take them out the water for any reason!!! :)
Hello, ;)

I have two featherfin catfish, each are about 5 inches long. One is slightly larger and is very dominant. Also in the tank I have a rainbow shark. The featherfins dont pay any attention to it. I also have three clown loaches that swim near enough to the catfish but if they get too close the catfish snap at them and the clowns move fast immediately. ;)

Recently I have noticed little faint white spots along their sides. I wasnt sure if it was ich but I didnt think so because the spots are in one straight line from head to tail. These same fish have had troubles with ich once before but I treated it fast and havent seen it since.

Do any of your euryptus have this?

Thanks :)
jumpman said:
oh yeah, mine do squeek when I take them out the water for any reason!!! :)
i havent heard mine squeak before...would luv to hear them do that! :)
manddave said:
Recently I have noticed little faint white spots along their sides. I wasnt sure if it was ich but I didnt think so because the spots are in one straight line from head to tail. These same fish have had troubles with ich once before but I treated it fast and havent seen it since.

Do any of your euryptus have this?
it's definitely not ich. all my 3 synos have them (faint white or grayish spots lined up from head to tail. they look like neat stitch marks!). i think u only see them in adult syno eupterus. i've seen pics of the adult catfish in many websites with the little spots on their sides. so it's nothin to worry abt :)

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