Anyone Got Tips On Tetra Breeding?

what do you need to know?

keep a group of them until they are mature. Feed them well on a variety of foods. Then separate males and females for 5-6 days. Then put 2 or 3 fish (1 female & 2 males, or 1pr) together in a tank with soft acid water (PH about 6.5, hardness below 50ppm for most species). Leave them in the tank for a day before moving them out.
After the adults have been removed, cover the tank with some dark paper or a towel to reduce the light getting into the tank. Wait until the eggs hatch and you can see fry swimming around. Then feed the fry with a liquid fry food or infusoria and green water.
Keep the temperature around 26C.
most of the common tetras reach maturity between 3-6months old. Most are also mature when you buy them from the shop unless you buy really small ones, and they should mature within a couple of months.
most of the common tetras reach maturity between 3-6months old. Most are also mature when you buy them from the shop unless you buy really small ones, and they should mature within a couple of months.
what are the main differences between male and female tetra?
It depends on the species of fish. In general the females are bigger and fatter than the males who are smaller and slimmer.
Female Neon tetras have a kink in the blue line about half way along the body and male Neons have a straight blue line.
Male black Phantom tetras have black pelvic fins and females have red pelvic fins.
Male Rosy & Bleeding Heart tetras have a bigger dorsal (top) fin and females have a smaller dorsal fin.

Male tetras have a very small hook on the edge of their anal (bottom) fin. This sometimes gets caught in the net when the fish are being netted. Fish that have been caught several times might not have the hook any more because it gets damaged if the fish is handled roughly.
thanks alot..
out of these which would u recommend to breed.
glowlight tetra
congo tetra
neon tetra
I have 3 congos in my tank currently..
Is there anyway I could induce spawning?
Separate the males & females for a week, then put them together in a breeding tank. Male Congos get bigger than females and have a little white filament that sticks out of the tail. Females are smaller, less colourful and have a normal shaped tail. Congos don't mature until they are 6 months old.

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