Anyone Got Sum Fish Going Free Plz


Fish Fanatic
Mar 10, 2010
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hi after coming out of hospital i found most of my fish had died coz the heater broke whist i was in hospital so was wondering if anyone has any guppys,mollys,plattys they wish to get rid mo i have a 4ft tank with 2corys in it and 1 ballon molly so it looks alittle sad and empty.plz can anyone near cambridge-bury stedmunds area.many thanks
put the post in the wanted section, will most liekly get seen by more people. Also Try Aquarist Classified for help on getting fish for cheap/free
put the post in the wanted section, will most liekly get seen by more people. Also Try Aquarist Classified for help on getting fish for cheap/free
Can let you have a couple of mollies and guppies but I'm in SE London too. Do you have a car? If so you can combine visit to me with the other person who offered you fish. Also look in pets wanted/Fish section on Gumtree. Got all sorts of fish free or cheap there. Likewise fish bargains for as little as £1 on Ebay -got all my equipment and my BN and angels there

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