Anyone got any ideas for me??


Fish Crazy
Jun 30, 2004
Reaction score
London, Ontario, Canada!
I have 1 common pleco, 2 blue gouramis, and 4 silver dollars, all are from 1 to 2 inches long right now. I just got my tank 3 weeks ago and have recently added these fish. i was looking for some opinions and ideas on new fish to add to the tank. The tank is 55 US Gallons, with plastic plants, 3 caves, and some good open swimming space as well. ideas please!!
Make sure that your tank is cycled before adding any more fish. You have a possible cycle on the go now and adding more fish will only complicate matters at this point in time. Also take into consideration the adult size of these fish when stocking the tank. I would recommend that once the tank is stable(cycled) you get some small schooling fish like tetras or rasboras. :)
If you PM Danio2004 he will give you the link to his website that has lots of info and pics of all different Danios!
no need for the pm just click my link in the sig :)
If you go by the inch per gal guide then you have:
1 pleco - 1 x 12 inches =12 inches
2 gouramis - 2 x 3 inches =6 inches
4 silver dollars - 4 x 8 inches = 32 inches

so you have roughly 5 inches left. You can go higher than this but you will need a stable tank and some experience in tank maintenance and parameter monitoring. HTH :)

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