Anyone Got A Spare £250


Fish Aficionado
Sep 3, 2006
Reaction score
Sheffield, England
if i had right now id buy this :drool: 14" across.

in the adver on UR, the guy said that he has grown it from 6 heads to over 70 in 3 years. under 150W halides. Deffinatly going to make the effort to feed my corals more often
I am right aren't I (though you may not be the one to ask), its a branching hammer isn't it??

I started with 4 heads and now have 6, I feed it at least once a week sometimes twice a week.
yes...thats what its advertised as anyway. im getting better at remembering which is which now too. i always new hammer. it was torch and frogspawn i got muddled up with. Frogspawn in a pond is like loads of little blobs. thats why i thought my torch was a frogspawn cos its tips look like the real frogspawn :S
At least I got that right, I swear I am having trouble with my eyes, I used to see everything with the contacts in but the last month or so its a little difficult.

Would really love mine to grow like that!!
Heh, I bought 2 heads of the same frog for $20, I've got probably 12 now...

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