Anyone Good At Math


Apr 5, 2007
Reaction score
Vancouver, Canada
ive got a 65 gallon tank and i take out six buckets worth each time i do a water change.

each bucket is twelve liters....

id like to know what % im taking away. ive tried to figure it out but i just cant do it, my brain doesnt seem to want to work that way...i guess theres a reason why i dropped out of school lol.

if anyone can figure it out that would be great, and if im missing any info needed just let me know. Thanks
Their location is Cananda, which I think uses US gallons.

According to an online calculator you're changing 29% of your water.
29% is correct. here's how you do it:

12 liters times 6 = 72 liters

there are 3.78 liters in a US gallon, so 72/3.78, or about 19 gallons in 72 liters.

19/65 = about 29% water change

of course, that doesn't account for water displaced by gravel and decor.
You could also have worked it out by measuring the level of the water before you started taking it out and the level after.

TBH 25% should have seemed pretty obvious by just looking at it.
You could also have worked it out by measuring the level of the water before you started taking it out and the level after.

TBH 25% should have seemed pretty obvious by just looking at it.

yea 25% would look pretty obvious eh... sometimes its just nice to have exact number especially in this hobby.

Thanks to everyone else for the simple yet helpful help.

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