Anyone From The Uk Keep A 'native' Tank..?


New Member
Jul 4, 2009
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Heres the story... :lol: Im considering either downsizing or getting rid of my lamprologus ocellatus... if i get rid of them i had a plan in mind, a 2 minute walk from where i live there it a stream full of life.shrimps,sticklebacks,minnows the list goes on, my real question is.. is it possible to keep these in captivity? im not new to fish keeping.. been doing it for many years now actually, i could preform weekly water changes with water from the stream etc? i think it would be great to view these fis in captivity...whats your thoughts then?
i guess you could get a few gudgeon n things from a canal that are small
maybe pearch if your tank is huge!
then just feed them on maggots would be easy as a gold fish :p as they can live in canals n lakes with these kinds of fish
its quite tempting, maybe not legal though to remove fish from the wild? but what if i plan on returning them in the future? :unsure:
its quite tempting, maybe not legal though to remove fish from the wild? but what if i plan on returning them in the future? :unsure:
this would be classed as stealing from a private lake
probably the same as a canal tbh
but people take frogspawn?
try speaking to your local council if not just there is thousands of them anyways so nobody would notice :p
maybe only one to start just incase it doesnt cope well in a tank
may have size problems though as an angler myself they are tiny from a canal but compared to most "tank" fish they are rather large average size around 5-6inchs that you can catch on a very small hook with a maggot
just to add your best bet would be to take a few fry as they would most probably be eaten by pike/perch in the wild
and you would be better to contact Environment Agency as they deal with canals and reservoirs if they say no
you could always got to a private lake and ask the owner if you could take fry or young fish then you would be not be breaking any laws
One of the issues of a UK tank is keeping the water cool enough...
a stream full of life.shrimps
Interesting...what shrimp? If you find any, post pics...

Never seen any native freshwater shrimp here.

But yes, as mentioned, keeping that tank cool is usually an issue. You will need a lot of oxygenation (spray bar aimed down at water surface) and water movement (try 5-10x tanks volume per hour or more), and keep the tank in a cool place.

George Farmer did a UK native aquascape in a recent PFK issue, though the sites been down for ages now to do hackers, so there's not much info on the net on it. He used sticklebacks.

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