Anyone Ever Use "had-A-Snail"


Fish Fanatic
Dec 27, 2008
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was thinking about using some of this in my planted tank... already made arrangments for my Nerite snail to be rehomes for a bit...

but my main question: How long should i wait after using Had-A-Snail before i put my nerite back in? or like how may water changes? and last should i remove the carbon fliter?

i should add that i do have a dwarf frog in the tank, a male betta and 5 endlers...
I have used it and I still have many snails. The snails and I came to an agreement that as long as they clean up after everyone and don't throw any wild parties, I will stop dumping toxic things into the tank that harm other inhabitants like amphibians and plants.
I have used it and I still have many snails. The snails and I came to an agreement that as long as they clean up after everyone and don't throw any wild parties, I will stop dumping toxic things into the tank that harm other inhabitants like amphibians and plants.

all my snails are newly hatched and are less then 2 mm long at this point.. and i have heard that the stuff works better with smaller snails... so if this is true i would rath nip it in the butt now than wait for it to get bad....

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