Anyone Ever See A Labeo Chrysophekadion At A Local Fish Store?

They have them in leeds and a place called Living world.

think your from the leeds area arent ya Sg-1?

they have a full grown one but the shops unfortunately pretty crap. they have the most fish ive ever seen but there mostly in a horrible condition.
Im actually from Phoenix Arizona:) See lots of rainbow, redtail, and bala sharks for sale here but still coming up dry on the black sharks:(
No problem:) Right now Im running a 125 gallon tank, that would be big enough you think?
Unless you are into having just one large fish in a very large tank then i would recomend staying well clear of black sharks, once they reach over 12" (and they grow very fast) they become hyper aggressive and will attack and kill pretty much anything in the tank, i know this because i had one and had to return it to a store within 9 months, some people have had success with keeping much smaller fish such as giant danios and medium sized barbs with them but for most its the solitary life. They will get to at least 2 feet long and are a very heavy thick set fish so you need a very large tank to house an adult, something along the lines of a 8x3x3 with a big sump style filter to deal with the huge ammount of waste the fish produces would be the absolute minimum.
Unless you are into having just one large fish in a very large tank then i would recomend staying well clear of black sharks, once they reach over 12" (and they grow very fast) they become hyper aggressive and will attack and kill pretty much anything in the tank, i know this because i had one and had to return it to a store within 9 months, some people have had success with keeping much smaller fish such as giant danios and medium sized barbs with them but for most its the solitary life. They will get to at least 2 feet long and are a very heavy thick set fish so you need a very large tank to house an adult, something along the lines of a 8x3x3 with a big sump style filter to deal with the huge ammount of waste the fish produces would be the absolute minimum.

Thanx for the info, would you say that black sharks are too agressive even for most cichlids? I mean, black sharks are similar to very large RTS right? My RTS is the nastiest fish in my tank cichlids included, cant imagine if he was 5 times bigger, good lord lol
A good size black shark will tear all but the most aggressive Cichlids to bits. Take the aggression of a RTBS, double it and add a wicked temper and then put that into a fish that is 10 pounds of muscle and you have an adult black sharks temperment.
really nice fish, from the tail to its mouth, then it resembles cyril sneer from the racoons!! (uk might only get that!)
A good size black shark will tear all but the most aggressive Cichlids to bits. Take the aggression of a RTBS, double it and add a wicked temper and then put that into a fish that is 10 pounds of muscle and you have an adult black sharks temperment.

Wow, I had no idea they were that agressive, pretty impressive actually lol

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