anyone ever kept leaches jus wandering


I know you agree
Mar 1, 2004
Reaction score
Calgary Alberta,
they have sold them at my petstore before and the lfs guy said he used to keep them and you actually have too let them eat off you, so it's was hard getting people to feed them while he was away

who buys leeches?
Vampires I suppose. Then when the leech is done they eat them. I wouldn't buy one either. It's my blood and only me and the miskeeters get it
Oh those are for the DIY doctors out there who believe a little blood-letting is good for ya ... Oh wait, it's not 1850 :p

Gotta go with cometcattle - can't see any practical purpose other than fishing.
Had to redit the post, wrong answer :*)

Anyway, back to the leaches. How much do they cost? and who feeds them in the LFS? I would rather go and donate my blood i think but interesting thing never heard of leaches as pets.
I think anybody who had them for pets got all their blood sucked out and died. That's why you don't hear about them as pets :p
I would have to guess that they are sold as feeders for large fish like oscars and cat fish and the other live food eaters. I dont think that you would really have to let them suck off of you to feed them though, most of the leaches sold as fish bait are actually scavengers and plant eaters.
when i was younger i used to raise tadpoles thinking they'd have a better chance surviving if i raised and released them
i would swipe sludge from the lake and put it into the tank, then fill it with lake water and change it every second day and add new sludge
i accidentally got a fist full of leeches and didn't notice and woke up the very next day with a tank full of dead tadpoles and fat sluggish leeches :sick: :grr: :-(
And after sugeries too. Doctors used these to get the blood clots from the wounds etc i think... but those r special raised leeches (in a bacteria-less way -is that a word?) :dunno:

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