Anyone Ever Have A Clown Loach Get Stuck In Something?


Fish Aficionado
Jan 23, 2007
Reaction score
South Carolina
Just had a HUGE scare today.
Had the fish from the 125 in a storage bin while we cleaned out the tank to exchange it for another (it was cracked).
So put a piece of wood and this castle ornament in to the bin with the fish so they would have something to hide in and under.
Well one of the clown loaches thought it was a good idea to get itself stuck inside the castle ornament.
It's entire body was stuck. All I could reach w/ a pair of tweezers was it's tailfin. I tryed pulling it out, but it would not budge.
So I finally had to break off the spot that it was stuck in. I think I may have hit it in the head when the top broke. It broke suddenly and a bit further down than I was expecting so couldn't prevent it from happening.
Anywho... the clown finally got out, but I'm so scared it's going to die. It looked pretty freaked out. Had it's little eye barb things out and everything.
When I went to catch the fish to put them in to the new 125... it was swimming ok, but still scared it's going to die :(

Anyone else have something kinda similar happen and the clown was ok afterwards?
I've had loads of 'events' with my clowns. Had a castle ornament and they'd hide in the towers. If I ever wanted to take the castle out, at least one would remain in the towers. I only noticed cos when I was gna put the castle back in, the loach was left behind on the surface, thankfully no loaches were lost when this happened (dont keep them with the castle anymore).

Another time I was using artificial bogwood, I guess a couple of loaches decided to make a home inside the hollow part. One time I was doing a water change and probably dug the ornament into the sand so much that the Clowns couldn't get out. I never knew where they were, just after a couple of days noticed two missing..guess I dont need to finish this story, it was sad...

Another occasion I was keeping 2-3 in a 3foot Jewel tank. I had taken the internal filter mechanism out of the Juwel, but the casing was still there. I wanted to net the CLs to put in my 150 gallon tank, but whenever they saw me they knew what I was planning and went into the filter, with absolutely no way of me getting them out, bar removing the filter casing, long story short, took approx a month before I was able to relocate them..

Probably more stories I could tell ya about. They are really interactive fish but can be really stupid/stubborn too lol.
Lol... stupid/stubborn sounds like a good way to describe them heh.

Good news.... the 1 I was worried about seems to be ok. Tailfin is a bit mangled from when I was trying to get it out, but I just saw it swimming around munching on the flake food. SO happy it's ok!

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