Don't know why this hasn't been responded to honestly.

Yes I am. I have asperger's syndrome.
I understand your predicament. Sorry Ella 😑
People can be very rude
I sometimes tell people. Or sometimes people even ask if I have a mental disorder which I find insulting most of the time unless I feel they are TRYING to ask in a respectful way
I know, I hate it when people call it a disability, mental illness, condition, problem, issue, 'not normal'.
People can be so judgy. To be honest, I don't really like humans. Don't know why mother nature created them.
I know, I hate it when people call it a disability, mental illness, condition, problem, issue, 'not normal'.
People can be so judgy. To be honest, I don't really like humans. Don't know why mother nature created them.
Humans.... Yah they do cause issues don't they? 🤣

I don't have a problem when it's mentioned as a condition or SOMETIMES mental illness. Depends on what you have or how bad it is I suppose. But there are better ways of addressing it
My brother has aspergers, my neice is heavily autistic and my 3 year old daughter has just been diagnosed autistic but we're still waiting to see how severe. I sometimes tell people when I have to justify her behaviour in public. She just a free spirit and goes and does whatever she wants which includes sometimes walking up to someone else's table to pinch their drinks haha. Id love to know what its like in her world. She's not talking but I get the odd word here and there

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