Anybody Want A Long-finned Female?


"No one is a failure unless you try"
Mar 18, 2004
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I found the cutest little female today whose fins were so long she was labeled as a male... I have no willpower, so of course I bought her. Shortly thereafter I remembered that I have 8 bettas coming in the mail this week, plus a couple of extras I'm told one of the sellers included. The problem is, depending on how old those extras are, buying this female today means I won't have enough tanks! :S

Something has to give, and unfortunately it's this girly. She can live with me in a juvie jar forever as far as I'm concerned, but it's not the best arrangement for her and I'd rather she have a real home....

So, anybody getting fish from me already want me to just slip her in the package? Anybody living in a warm area want to pay $4 to ship her? (heck, I won't even charge you for packaging material). Come on guys, she'd fit right in with your sorority tank :look:



What a cutie; too bad I live in NY, where we're currently seeing some abhorrently low temperatures. I'd be tempted to snatch her up in an instant; I've been craving red bettas recently, and she's quite a catch! Hope you find a good home for her soon, and good luck with all those new arrivals!
::blinks:: A fellow betta lover in NY? Someone who doesn't just fight them or cram them in a vase? MARRY ME. :lol:
Any chance of shipping to NY? I'd be happy to pay for any needed heating materials.
Unfortunately the only way to get her somewhere before the heat pack runs out is via Express shipping, which is $18. Since she's VT I figured no one would want to pay that :/

Edit: typo
And the winner is Shelly_Otterkin :D
Happy Fishy Dance! :fish:

Hahaha, I just think this thread was cute!

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