Anybody Read This Book (not In Sticky)


Fish Gatherer
Dec 30, 2005
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Has anybody read the book: The Marine Aquarium Handbook beginner to breeder By: Martin A. Moe, Jr. I was pointed to this book by a guy I talked to at aquatic technology, not a worker just somebody else who was looking at corals and we started talking. I think I'm going to buy the book, it looks pretty good and he highly recommended it. In fact he said it was one of the few books he's actually read and learned a lot from it.

Thanks :good:

btw it's at the bottom of this page
The Book of Coral Propogation by Anthony Calfo
Is a must have for coral farming(Ok not really but it is a good thing to have)

Ps. I think Moe was the early 90's and in this hobby thats reallllly old lol
From Amazon
Book Description
"A practical handbook on the theory and methods of keeping and breeding marine tropical fish. This updated and expanded edition describes the basic types of marine aquarium systems, with an emphasis on the traditional under gravel filter. Tank construction and selection, saltwater collection and makeup, filters and filtration, physics and chemistry, setup and maintenance, disease and treatment, foods and feeding, captive breeding Everything you need to know to set up and maintain a successful saltwater aquarium."
atm, I know this is a bit out of your price range and you probably wouldnt want it anyway, but i was looking for this that had to do with coral farming and came up with this:


Just thought it was weird that a book from 1974 would cost $150...... :blink:

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