Anybody Know Where I Can Buy Baby Anglefish?


Fish Gatherer
May 7, 2010
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i want angelfish but i think it better that they are babys
(posibally breeding pair?
you won't be able to find a breeding pair of babies - - angelfish are nearly impossible to sex UNTIL you have a few in the tank, who pair up naturally and start breeding - -then you figure out who is the male and who is the female by watching which one is laying the eggs
oh ok, i just love them but really they need to be babys so they can grow up with mym other fish and be happy
what other fish?
and what size tank do you have - - how many gallons and what are the dimensions - - angels need a MINIMUM depth of 18 inches...that does not include substrate, that is just water depth.
Where abouts do you live fishy? I have about 20 baby Angelfish body size between 20 and 50 pence piece.

other fish, guppies, swordtails 2 dwarf gourmis, 1 bristle plec and 1 agles eater

fishaholic-I live in Bristol
Hi,shame im in manchester you could have all of them for free i need the room.. :lol:

i did go up my LFS today and they said that they dont go with guppies and swordtails is it true?
yes it is true.... an angel is a cichlid - - they grow to be a massive sized fish, need a large tank, and can/will kill smaller fish.

you need to do a lot more research before you think about breeding any species!!

you never mentioned what size tank you have or the dimensions.
yes it is true.... an angel is a cichlid - - they grow to be a massive sized fish, need a large tank, and can/will kill smaller fish.

That's not true. If they grow up from babies to adult with small fish they do not see them as food, I have adult angels in a tank with lots of small tetras and they do not get eaten by the angels
you might have a few exceptions - - true there is no "rule" for every fish of the same species - - but most people will tell you that it is definitely a gamble...and the ones who will probably end up losing are the smaller fish, not you...
f you are still looking for baby angle fish, there is a place in Poole shopping centre called aquatics pro, they are selling really small babies all different colours, for about £5.00. Buy from there on a regular basic and never had a problem with them, just make sure you don't ask for advice on the fish, that's where the trouble starts lol.

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