Anybody Kept This Fish Before...


Fish Crazy
Apr 24, 2005
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...a Maroon Shark - Also known as a Sultan Fish, Pink Tailed Shark or a Ikan Jelawat (Leptobarbus hoeveni)

Mine is about 7 inches long, very peaceful fish, eats absolutely any food offered to him, swims around gracefully. I'm aware of what size they can potentially get to, but wanted to know of others who may of kept them before?
Common names huh, the most common "common name" for that fish I know is "x" cigar shark where x is a colour, or fin colour.

I've never kept one, even in tanks the size of mine, they are famous tank busters.
Yeah the Cigar shark, great fish! i keep one myself (below) he,s over a foot long

I wouldn't normaly keep anything that grows as big but a while ago a neighbour 'dumped' one on me and I had it in a 30 gallon (it was kept alone so I personaly have no experience of how they are with others) until I could rehome it. It was only around 9" at the time but it realy didn't like other shark-like fish apparently - which is why it got dumped to begin with.

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