Anybody Have An Experience With These?


Devils Advocate
May 24, 2004
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[post=""]Kerri Tetra[/post]

I found this while pricing something and was wondering if anyone ever had any experience with them. My little brother is thinking about getting a tank set up soon and he might be interested in them. Thanks.
Check the link. It returns an error message when I try to click on it.
Yes I could not get the link to work either.
However to help you out here are some other links about the Kerri Tetra, also known as Emperor Tetra. I have seen them before but have not had experience with them.

That's the fish Fishkies, but I don't understand why my link isn't working... It is insert post link right?

There was an interesting article on breeding Inpaichthys kerri in April's edition of Practical Fishkeeping. This is the Blue Emperor Tetra, not to be confused with the normal Emperor Tetra Nematobrycon palmeri.

According to the article:

Originates from the Rio Aripuana in the Amazon.
pH = <7.2
GH = Max 6

Males have a bright blue adipose fin, females do not.

Hope this helps!

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