Anybody got pics of pregnant khuli loaches?


Fish Gatherer
Nov 7, 2003
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just became an american *play dramatic music*
I have 7 khulies , I'm sure I have both sexes and 2 of the females are very fat and large and i can see the greeness in their bellies and tiny, tiny dots(I'm assuming the eggs). If they were eggs they're would have to be atleast a hundred of them per female unless they're under developed. Anyways, just wondering if anyone has had luck in breeding them and/or has any pictures of them pregnant.
No luck though I've had mine less than a month, and they prefer to have floating plants to set their eggs in, which I don't have either. Good luck breeding them, they can be difficult.
After long searching, I finally found the member and thread that the person with pregnant kuhlli loaches is. It is indeed 'Limping Fish', I haven't seen him/her in a while, so either the person isn't on as much, or I'm not on as much. :D

Here's the site anyway. B)

Btw, how are the kuhlis going with the pregnancies? If they are no longer showing signs of being pregnant then just tell me so I can stop helping. ;)
Well compared to the pregnanet khulis in your first feference, mine are no way near that size! So either they're just tubby and I think I'm seeing green inside, or they're in early developement. I will try to get pictures when i can get batteries for the digital and when ever the khulis aren't hiding. :crazy:
Thanks alot for finding the member, it was killing my brain. I will try a pm later to limping fish. :thumbs:

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