Anybody Else Not Receiving Emails From The Board.


Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Nov 5, 2004
Reaction score
Not received any emails since saturday when the board started to play up.
The last email I received was on Friday but I generally only get them when someone reports something. I will trysubscribing to a couple threads to see if I get an email when someone posts in it.
Thanks everyone.
Might aswell have a good moan lol.
Private messages not working either.
PM should be fine. I talked to a couple members via PM last night. Email isn't though and William is aware of it. Hopefully, he will have it fixed shortly.

EDIT: One thing that I had not thought about is that if you need to report something, using the "Report" button on the thread won't work as we won't get the email. If you see a problem, please PM one of the mods to address the problem.
I not getting e-mail from PM's or topic's :(

Missing out as I dont have the time to check all 12 pages from when i last logged in
Email is working again. I have received 5 for subscriptions in the last 2 hours or so. Site is still very slow though and I've gotten error messages twice in that time and not been able to get on. It does look like they are making progress though.
Email is working again. I have received 5 for subscriptions in the last 2 hours or so. Site is still very slow though and I've gotten error messages twice in that time and not been able to get on. It does look like they are making progress though.

fingers crossed its all up and flying at this time, getting my emails too. that pigging error was driving me mad!
I'm still not getting e-mail's. Checked e-mail setting's in CP and my e-mail is still the same.

I've had a couple of PM's and posts but still no e-mails. Haivng to check every page scince i loged in last
Have you checked your subscriptions? They expire after 4 days (I think) and since it wasn't working for about 3 days, anything you subscribed to prior to the problems would be dead. I got one about an hour ago so I know they are going out.
Thanks everyone.
Everything back to normal now thank goodness.
Send a notification email when I receive a new private message
Is ticked

Enabling this option will automatically subscribe you to any topic you start or reply to.
Is also ticked

Checked subscription, was set to delayed so changed to immediately.

Checked e-mail which is correct.

Checked all the options i can and every thing is fine.
one problem though is topic's i'm replying to is not being added to the subscribed list

Still not getting anything.

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