Anybody buy mail-order fish??


Fish Fanatic
Mar 24, 2004
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Has anyone here bought fish by mail-order? After touring many local establishments lately that sell fish, I am not impressed. Our single fish only store apparently has gone out of business since I last had fish. And we are left with pet stores that carry fish. And the wonderful world of Walmart with their minimum of 1 dead fish per tank. All of our local stores seem to either have to many dead or sickly fish for my liking or don't carry a variety to suit me. Leaving me to wonder is mail-order the way to go? I am not looking for anything too exotic, and most are available. (danios, tetras, etc.) The one fish that I want that nobody seems to carry is the Panda Cory. I asked today at the LPS if they could order fish, and was told they only get what they are sent. They have no say in what they get. So has anybody ordered via mail? And what are your experiences, good and bad, and with which retailers?
I, personally, haven't and don't intend to. Although I have heard of people doing this with some success.

I would rather drive for 1 or 2 hours to find a more reputable place to buy fish than order them through the post. At least at a store you can see what you're buying - good or bad! For all you know, the place you order from could be worse than your lfs :eek:
I buy mail order fish from trimar and they deliver when you want them to and pack them the night before and they arrive the next morning. They're always in good condition and they have a great selection of fish that are normally hard to find, and if any arrive in bad condition they will send out replacments if you ring up quickly on the day the order arrived., but this is only in the UK so you'll have to wait for somone over there can comment.
does anybody know a site which mail orders fish to Australia?

or a company in australia?
The only thing i would be careful with is the risk of ICH from the fish on its stressful travel, this is exactly what happened to me.

I would quaratine now any future mail order fish everytime

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