Any way to stop this?


Fish Fanatic
Sep 11, 2005
Reaction score
Missouri, USA
Augh- I keep forgetting to put the roll of tp under the cabinet, and when I come home it's shredded all over the place. I have a 3 yr old male mixed breed that's neutered, indoor only, and gets lots of playtime. He has a scratching post that he uses also. Oh- he has his claws that I trim every 2 weeks or so. Any ideas or experience with breaking this very annoying habit?
I have the same problem with my cats, I dont know how to stop them not unless you can give them something else to play with. But cats really love toilet paper.
Thanks Angel lady. I was afraid I'd hear that. Meg I did that the last place I lived but I just hate that here. Makes the hall gloomy and the apt feel smaller, but I may just have to I guess
You've got several options..if keeping the door shut isn't your favorite..abeit it is the most logical lol.

These are just can find these at most home Bed,Bath, Beyond, Kohls, Walmart, Pier !, ect.






That last picture looks like a scratching post to me............. :p

My cat loves to play with the TP too. My new apartment less so, because the roller works right, but in my old one it was broken and I kept the roll on the sink. Often when I would come home I'd find it knocked down, rolled out, and trailing all the way to the living room.

Cats can always find some simple thing to amuse themselves, can't they? :kana:
Well, if you're not up for buying one of those nifty devices shown above (love the hat one, I'd could use that, constant supply of tissue.... anyway), when you're not home close the bathroom door. You're not there to feel the gloom. When you are home, catch your cat in the act. Use a spray bottle of water and spray the cat when he does this. Teach him that playing with the TP is bad. There are also deterrent scents out there you could try, spray them inside the cardboard part of the roll and around the dispenser, if you're cat doesn't like the smell, chances are he'll leave it alone (though if your cat is like mine, he'll love the scent he is supposed to be hating.............).
Switch to moist TP in the little plastic packets?

Switch to waxed TP in the little cardboard boxes?

Get your granny to knit one of those ladies in the big dress things that go over your TP?

Sorry, can't help myself....

Usually the catching in the act and squirting with water pistol works very well in cat training - you might get a few soggy toilet rolls to start with tho!!
Love that hat! :rofl:

I don't know what it is about cats, but some of them really love the bathroom. Mine follows me in every time I go there, sometimes even running ahead of me. I guess she figures I have nothing better to do than sit there and pet her.

If she doesn't get the attention she expects, she goes over to the bathtub and licks the soap! :crazy: :sick: :X

Waxed toilet paper? :unsure: :dunno:
They also have bitter apple spray, that I bought and put it on all of the wires around the house, and outlets, and everything dangerous that a pet could get in to. With all of my hamsters, my rat, and everything else, just in case someone gets out, I don't want them fried on an electrical cord. So you could spray that in the tube or on the dispenser.
WOW- thanks for the replies. Yeah, he loves the bathroom. He just can't wait for me to take a shower (and finish) so he can watch the little rivulets trickle down the tub. :) LOL Oohfishy with my allergies I could use that hat from Sept-May. SRC cool ideas- I think I'll get one of those enclosed ones with the lid on it. I like that wicker but I think it looks like a scratching post too, lol. I guess the stainless steel tp holder would match the stainless steel covered waste cans I had to buy (guess why?). Bitter apple spray sounds like a good idea too. Anyway, thanks for the laughs too.
*going to buy squirtgun*
This cat has no idea what's fixing to happen to it :lol:.
lol bathrooms are jsut soo much fun. One of my cats Rat Rat has to come in the bathroom with me. Then just sits and waits till you flush the toilet, he loves to watch the water go round and round. :) its really cute if you dont mind him trying to climb in your lap while your actually on the toilet.
smooth_bourbon said:
its really cute if you dont mind him trying to climb in your lap while your actually on the toilet.

yup, that is definitely not the time or place to be allergic to cats :lol:

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