Any Tips On Cherry Barbs?


New Member
Sep 17, 2006
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Buddies I am planning to keep a 10 gallons tank with plenty of plants. I am interested in keeping only 1 variety of fish and dwarfgourami suggested keeping 6 Cherry Barbs (2 males & 4 females). I liked his idea. Since I am new, can those who have experience of keeping Cherry barbs, give some tips ….
The first fish I added to my 8 gallon were my pair of Cherry Barbs, Kurt & Courtney (shut up, my boyfriend named them not me!). They've been incredibly well behaved, haven't caused me any problems (touch wood) and are so friendly (or possibly daft) that they'll try and swim into the test tube when I'm doing water tests. Haven't managed to get them to have tiny barbs (barbies?) yet but Kurt is going steadily more crimson by the day so here's hoping.
not had any but can tell you that there prone to be nippy fish and need to be in a species tank rather than a community. I know some people do keep them in communitys but because of there "nipping" i wouldnt chance it
I started with 6 Cherry Barbs asked for lots of info because I wanted my fish all to be community and peaceful, 2 died :( the males ran the 2 females regged I think :sad: We have 2 males and 2 females they are the cherry gang :) Friendly and fun no problems. I would recommend they are a nice addition :D

I started with 6 Cherry Barbs asked for lots of info because I wanted my fish all to be community and peaceful, 2 died :( the males ran the 2 females regged I think :sad: We have 2 males and 2 females they are the cherry gang :) Friendly and fun no problems. I would recommend they are a nice addition :D

I started with 6 Cherry Barbs asked for lots of info because I wanted my fish all to be community and peaceful, 2 died :( the males ran the 2 females regged I think :sad: We have 2 males and 2 females they are the cherry gang :) Friendly and fun no problems. I would recommend they are a nice addition :D

I started with 6 Cherry Barbs asked for lots of info because I wanted my fish all to be community and peaceful, 2 died :( the males ran the 2 females regged I think :sad: We have 2 males and 2 females they are the cherry gang :) Friendly and fun no problems. I would recommend they are a nice addition :D
The Barbs also like to share the cucumber, courgette and lettuce with Mr Fox the silver flying fox :nod:
not had any but can tell you that there prone to be nippy fish and need to be in a species tank rather than a community. I know some people do keep them in communitys but because of there "nipping" i wouldnt chance it

Are you sure you're not mixing them up with tiger barbs?
I have in my community tank, 3 males 3 females did ask for 2m and 4f but stupid lfs messed it up! They can appear to be 'nippy' on first glance but it is always males on females and its normally breeding behaviour. I have never seen them be nippy towards other fish. -_-
Barbus titteya is not a naturally shoaling fish. They are best kept as a pair or 1 male 2+ females. 2 males together in a small tank may fight.
Barbus titteya is not a naturally shoaling fish. They are best kept as a pair or 1 male 2+ females. 2 males together in a small tank may fight.

In addition, adult fish tend to become shy around members of their own species, so a trio as LL indicated above, or even a single pair is more than adaquate. Provide plenty of cover (wood, plants, etc) and you may be rewarded with fry. I did this a and now I have a pair and about 30-40 fry in my 8g planted tank. They are all being moved to a 36g that has been setup just for them and perhaps some bottom dwellers. Mine have become more gregarious as the fry have gotten older, but it was funny seeing them hide from 1/2 inch fry for a while. :lol: The way I see it, the 36g will provide room enough for more males as the fry mature and plenty of growing room for the strongest fry. They are a peaceful and very pretty fish. They also munch quite a bit on algae, which surprised me. They seem to like green algae, diatoms, and even thread algae. They don't consume it like a pleco or shrimp would, but when you have as many as I do, they do give my oto a run for his money, and I need to supplement his diet quite a bit. If you have floating plants, that will help bring them out a bit. A breeding male is a lovely crimsom.

Have fun with your barbs.

llj :D
Buddies I am planning to keep a 10 gallons tank with plenty of plants. I am interested in keeping only 1 variety of fish and dwarfgourami suggested keeping 6 Cherry Barbs (2 males & 4 females). I liked his idea. Since I am new, can those who have experience of keeping Cherry barbs, give some tips ….

Do the fish and yourself a favor, go get at least a 20-25G tank. MUCH easier to keep. Not to mention how much happier your fish will be. Just my .02 B)

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