Any Thoughts?


Fish Addict
May 31, 2009
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I dont have an ammonia test kit but i have nitrite and nitrate

So i tested and have 0 nitrite and 20 nitrate so do yous think it might be cycled?
Could we add a few snails as we are going awsy on thursday for a week

Or should we wait untill we get back?
How long has it been set up?

As for waiting, another week wouldn't do any harm, thats what I would do. ;)

Its been set up nearly two weeks 10 kg live rock straight from lfs tank with stock so fully cured and 10kg from another lfs but he said it was only there a week so will have to be cured
Everyone has different views on cycling. As James said you should get the ammonia kit anyway.

My opinion is that a tank set up less than 2 weeks is not going to have cycled fully.

Also you may have cured rock but once it has been out the water for half hour the life will be starting to die on it. Generally a new tank can take up to 6 weeks to cycle.

Again adding livestock is an indivuals choice, a shop I used years ago said it wouldnt harm putting green chromis into my tank 2 weeks after I got it wet because they were hardy.

At the end of the day its a hobby of patience, the more time you take the better the end results will be.

All the best ;)

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