any suggestions

Newfish Gal

New Member
Sep 17, 2003
Reaction score
Edmonton, alberta Canada
Thank you for letting me know that getting a bala would be cruel and so I must rely on all the advice for what to add to my new 55 gallon tank. I will be adding the family from my 20 gallon (1 red tail shark, 2 rainbow sharks, 3 rummy nose tetras, 4 tiger barbs , 4 pepper cory catfish one who is about to give birth..3 bloodfin tetras and lastly my stingray algae any suggestions would be gratefully taken.. :fish: :fish:
Since you have the space, it would be nice to make up your schools. Not only is it kinder to your fish, you'll see more of them and more of their natural behaviour. Schools of fish also look more spectacular than one or two. So make sure you have at least 6 each of the tetras, barbs, corys and sharks (assuming you can fit them all in). Tiger barbs are better in groups of at least 10, or so I've been told - tends to reduce aggression.
Alien Anna said:
So make sure you have at least 6 each of the tetras, barbs, corys and sharks (assuming you can fit them all in)
6 sharks!!!!! OMG NO!!!! Redtail black sharks and Rainbow sharks are both intollerent of their own kinds (and each other) and will constantly fight until one or the other is dead, 6 would be like a fishy WWIII. Even in relatively big tanks there should only be one of these sharks.
:crazy: right now the three sharks are living together vey peacefully in fact the two rainbow sharks(ozzie & Harriet) swim side by side they are never apart as for the red tail shark (Blaze) he ignores them every once and awhile he'll chase them but the two swim into they cave wait a few seconds come out and I do not want to add more sharks into the family because i am afraid what will happen to the thanks for that suggestion..I could still use some more suggestions..thanks :thumbs:
CFC said:
Alien Anna said:
So make sure you have at least 6 each of the tetras, barbs, corys and sharks (assuming you can fit them all in)
6 sharks!!!!! OMG NO!!!! Redtail black sharks and Rainbow sharks are both intollerent of their own kinds (and each other) and will constantly fight until one or the other is dead, 6 would be like a fishy WWIII. Even in relatively big tanks there should only be one of these sharks.
Sorry, I misread that - I was talking about Bala sharks. Brain's not working. Thanks for picking me up on that - bit of a nasty mistake.

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